
How do you Compare table salt with glucose?

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  1. Guest21242

     Where is the answer??

  2. Guest20741338: You know we are talking about Table Salt and Glucose and you are so unpositive so yeah......try to watch your language since this is all over the internet and also why put inappropriate adult stuff on Science......

                                                 -Anyways Thanks for your opinions and answers other people :D


  3. thx

  4. which on of you like me we could smooch have s*x and sleep naked and have s*x again look at my punis  i can look at your p***y.

  5. which on of you like me we could smooch have s*x and sleep naked and have s*x again look at my punis  i can look at your p***y.

  6. You mix there properties togeather to create a compound of atoms!

  7. I think you mix there properties togeather. Duh LOL who doesn't knw this.

  8. you mix the properties to create a compound of atoms duh lol i dont even know and if they but a picture of me as a girl im gonna slap them with chicken

  9. you mix the properties to create a compound of atoms duh lol i dont even know

  10. mix the properties

  11. you mix the two properties together

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Latest activity: 9 years, 10 month(s) ago.
This question has 11 answers.


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