Imagine you are OPEC, you are smart enough to create the largest monopoly in the history of the world, and therefore you quickly realize that climate change is a serious issue and even though you have infinitely deep pockets, you realize that this will be an issue for you too. So how do you, in one simple action, get the ENTIRE world to switch from fossil fuels to alternative sources for their energy needs?
You increase the price of fossil fuels, or rather increase the price of your product. You do so incrementally and slowly to avoid a potential economic DISASTER, which could cripple the world entirely. Paying close attention to the global economic situation and adjusting the prices weekly as needed to maintain an acceptable level of... well panic. At the same time you set aside your record profits for use later. Rather than straining yourself, to find alternative sources, you allow the panic stricken and desperate people to do the work for you, and when a viable solution is produced