
How do you Italians (EU citizens) feel about Cosa Nostra (the Mob)?

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I was born and raised in America, but I've spent a portion of my life overseas. From what I gathered living amongst Italians, "Cosa Nostra" and the Mob lifestyle (along with it's..."ethical system"), aren't as revered and admired as they are in the good ole US of A.

If I recall, the presumptive Sicilian boss of bosses was captured last year amid a crowd of Italians- not to mourn his departure...but to celebrate his arrest!

What I have noticed is that American Southerners, in particular, have a soft spot for the more, shall we say, Machiavellian aspects of the Mob-(i.e, cynical co-opting of religion, for example).

This of course does not surprise me...Our Southern brethren have long put a high premium on the subtle art of hypocrisy and doubletalk :)




  1. I'm not Italian but I'm from the EU. I view all criminals as criminals not matter where they come from. To me it's as easy as that.

    The American way of somehow glorifying crime and criminals is very much the making of Hollywood I think. They spread the image, it stuck in some peoples hearts and it's still how they prefer to look at things.

    It's sad really that good and honest people rarely reach the same levels of glorification.  

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