
How do you Know?

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If You've met your soulmate?

And if you have, I mean, does it have to be mutual or should it be sided?

How to be sure?any way to test?

Would any of you marry someone or be with someone who isn't?




  1. Stop asking dumb questions! Go to work.

  2. You just know. My partner is definitely my soul-mate. We support each other through everything, and we just...connect, I dunno, it's hard to explain.

    He knows exactly what I'm thinking or feeling without me saying a word. He's the only person on this planet that really truly understands me.

    It took a while for us to realise that we were perfect for each other. We were friends as teenagers and took a while to fall in love. But when we did it was hard and fast and we just knew we'd end up getting married.

    3 years later and it's still the same =)

  3. Hmmm...well, I am sort of the believer that there are many people out there that are matches for us. We just have to be lucky enough to find them.

    I know that I love my FI with all my heart and soul. He wasn't what I pictured or what I though my future husband would be. He makes me happy, however, and is a good man. He is brilliant, kind, funny, goofy, caring, and a great cook.

    I couldn't marry someone that I didn't feel was a match for me.
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