
How do you LIVE a LIFE of MEANING?

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How do you LIVE a LIFE of MEANING?




  1. start writing it all down

  2. Find a purpose in life and run with it. Know theyself and know they purpose and through this you will find your meaning to life and a life worth living.  

  3. Follow your Path until you find your dream and never look back....

    just keep right on going till you get there.

    And then be the very best you can!

  4. when i was 16 , i took care of my grand parents. now im 44 and taking care of thier daughter, which is my mother..respect your elders...that is the true meaning of life. dont run away from it all like 50 percent of the idiots do, including my mothers brother doesnt even know where his mother is buried, what a d**k....

    do everything you can for the people you truely love, that is the true meaning of life...

    the people who think its all about them, suck..

  5. Fulfill yourself, nothing more and nothing less. In the end, all that matters is that you've done what you wanted. It will only be meaningful if it meant something to you.

  6. Seek truth. Only the search for truth binds the self to something beyond the self without the diminution of the self.  

  7. have fun go one day at a time just chillax and enjoy today rather than worry about tomorrow

  8. Laugh hard, fall hard. Then get back up again.

  9. We exist to learn in hopes that we may somehow understand our experiences from life. Then again life has no meaning unless you give it one, so If we do both does that mean we have lived a meaningful life?, and yet if we fail to either does that also mean that we've failed to comprehend the aspiration of our existence?.

  10. Achieve what you want in life to live for with the means & carriage of yourself & esteems.

  11. It’s simple you can’t. You can’t ask people how to live a meaningful life because each and every one of us has a different meaning and purpose in life. It’s a redundant question because only you can really give yourself the right answer, sure you can ask people for help, but in the end it’s up to you to make every second count! Sorry I don’t mean to lecture you, but I hope that helps.  

  12. One of the central views in Buddhism is a nondual worldview, ( in which subject and object are the same, and the sense of doer-ship is illusionary. On this account, the meaning of life is to become enlightened as to the nature and oneness of the universe.

    According to the scriptures, the Buddha taught that in life there exists Dukkha, (suffering) which is in essence sorrow/suffering, that is caused by desire and it can be brought to cessation by following the Noble Eightfold Path.

    This teaching is called the "Four Noble Truths".

    There is suffering (duhkha)

    There is a cause of suffering — craving (trishna)

    There is the cessation of suffering (nirvana)

    There is a way leading to the cessation of suffering — the Noble Eightfold Path

    Nondualism implies that things appear distinct while not being separate. The word's origin is the Latin duo meaning "two" and is used as the English translation of the Sanskrit term advaita. The term can refer to a belief, condition, theory, practice, or quality.

    Ramesh Balsekar comments that it is in order for phenomenae to occur, that the illusion of personal existence and doer-ship (ego) is present:

    "Consciousness-at-rest is not aware of Itself. It becomes aware of Itself only when this sudden feeling, I-am, arises, the impersonal sense of being aware. And that is when Consciousness-at-rest becomes Consciousness-in-movement, Potential energy becomes actual energy. They are not two. Nothing separate comes out of Potential energy... That moment that science calls the Big Bang, the mystic calls the sudden arising of awareness..."

  13. follow Shakespeare's advice:

    To thine ownself be true

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