
How do you Organize/Create Program Book Ads?

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I am trying to put together a program book ad for my dance studio (recital in June 2009). I have never done this before and have no clue where to start. Any and all information would be appreciated. I need to know about printers, how to organize it to give it to the printer, what an acceptable charge is, EVERYTHING! Thank you so much for your help and time.




  1. Without knowing the SIZE of the recital, not sure if this helps...

    Economically BEST size is a product of 8-1/2" x 11", so a good program book would be ONE sheet of paper 8-1/2" x 11" folded in half, giving you a 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 FOUR page "book". If you use TWO sheets of paper you will end up with an EIGHT page book, THREE sheets = a TWELVE page book, and so on, always a multiple of FOUR...

    A printer will set up his "artwork" (more on that later) in printer's spreads for example if it is an eight page program book, the first outer sheet will have page 8 on the left side (remember each page is 5-1/2" x 8-1/2") and page 1 on the right; the backside will have page 2 on the left and page 7 on the right; On the second sheet, front will have page 6 on left-page 3 on right; backside of 2nd sheet, page 4 on left page 5 on right...To verify this take two sheets of paper-fold both in half-place one sheet inside the other-then number each page...when you disassemble your book you will see the printer's spreads.

    Now, artwork...someone a little adept at it or with a little practice CAN use Word...Remember to set each page up to 5-1/2 x 8-1/2...For a program you'll need 1) a title page, usually page 1; 2) the order of events with credits 3) cast of characters 4) Optional, acknowlegements

    and 5) the ads

    With this information take it to a local printer or copy shop and get a ballpark estimate. Tell them exactly what you want to do, like you did here, and how to proceed.

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