
How do you Respond when they say your Team "Sucks"?

by Guest34109  |  earlier

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I tend not to get mad, but i give them my Truth.




  1. I insult the opposing team or person as bad as I can.

  2. I just ignore them. all they want to is to prove how cool they are by starting an argument over someone liking a team which is so childish & dumb. I don't give them that satisfaction. Only time that gets me these days is these bandwagon Rays fans coming out of nowhere when only 1 or 2 REAL! Rays fans used to be on here. Now you can't get enough of these phonies.  

  3. Look who is best in the NL standings

    (its the Cubs)

  4. I'd say the best thing to do would be to belittle their comment.  make fun of how short and ignorant they sound by stating that your team "sucks".  you can throw it right back at them on how childish they sound, and pick it apart on how they gave no examples of the teams shortcomings.  basically when somebody says that anything sucks (without giving supporting details), then they show how un-articulate they are, and how they can't come up with a creative arguement.  

  5. Just laugh at their jealousy and move on.

  6. I usually give an automatic thumbsies-down to any usage of "sucks" as a team descriptor, regardless of team being described.

    It is a cheap, ineffective, intellectually bankrupt pejorative, and I don't like it. Anyone can do better, so those who fail even to try get dinged.

    Tough beans.

  7. "No they don't!"

  8. At this point in my life it doesn't bother me, but I won't lie. It used to bother me and I used to fight back.

    I've learned that sayings "_______sucks" isn't very smart. If you wanna argue make a better statement. I'm willing to discuss things, but if your gonna be stupid and make childish remarks I really could care less about you.

    That one person won't effect me or how my team does.  

  9. I pretty much ignore it, because I don't care what others say about my favorite team, even if they suck or not, I will always support them and in my opinion, even if my favorite team is not doing good, I would never say they suck. So, I just ignore it, I mean who cares if someone says they suck? At least you know they don't suck. =]

    Good Question. Here's a star.

  10. I try not to get offended, especially since I tend to get that a lot. (Why do you even like the Rangers/Orioles.  They suck!)

    I used to get mad and defensive.  Now I just nod, smile, and walk away.  If they really need to pick a fight about my favorite teams, that's fine with me.  I'm not going to sink down to their level.

    Oh, and sometimes my friends say that to me just to get on my nerves.  Or they'll tell me the Redskins suck.

    I just laugh and insult their teams.  It's all in good fun.

  11. Accept the fact that people are entitled to there opinions no matter how dumb they sound.

  12. Here: I block them

    In life: I laugh at them

  13. I'm a Yankees fan, so I hear it from everybody who's not one, hahah.

    Basically, I just tell them they always come through in the end and to shut it. 13 straight years to the playoffs (I'm counting this year =])? I don't think any team sucks if they do that, regardless if they've won or haven't won any rings for the past 7.

    And as a wise Yankee once said, I also tell people that, "It ain't over till it's over" because it's true.

    How you doin'?

  14. " yeah, but just wait till next year!!"

  15. Well normally I just say then your team must REALLY suck (unless their Angle's fans whiich dont usually talk smack) because Im a Cubs fan

  16. I can finally say "Look at the standings"  I used to have to agree and add "but they're MY team"

  17. I tend to give thumbs down to anyone that writes "x*x sucks"

    It's a low brow comment that is typically made by a low brow person.

    I would neither get mad, nor try to tell them your truth, because honestly, do you think they will listen?  Will their behaviour or opinion change (I hesitate to use the word opinion because that infers some intellectual consideration)

    I do wish that the same group of people that get bent out of shape when their team is said to 'suck' would also think about that when they turn around and say the next team sucks as well.

  18. I laugh, especially if that's the extent of their argument. "Your team sucks" is something a 5th grader would say as a putdown.

  19. Kinda hard to get mad when I'm the one saying it.

  20. I try to think of the best comeback I can.

  21. it might be the truth

  22. hey i like the chicago cubs wen was the last time the won the ws u dont know how much abuse i get for likeing them so dont ever let it get to u ok  

  23. As a Mariners fan, I just hang my head and say "I know, but hey, the Seahawks look like they'll be competitive again this year!"  

  24. I used to get defensive about it, but then I realized if I said something everytime someone said "The Red Sox suck" I'd probably lose my voice. lol.

    From time to time, I'll just say "If winning 2 WS in 4 years is the definition of a team who 'sucks'..."

  25. I pay no attention to those fans cause they use the Yankees as an excuse to say they suck when the truth their teams aren't so good & to me it's almost more important for fans of some teams to see Yankees miss play offs then care more about their own team & their won/loss record & why is that because it's easier to root against a consistant winner when their own team lets them down year in & year out

  26. I never respond.  I just go to another question that is worthy of a response.

  27. I say something like "wow, great insult" (obviously sarcasm)...oh, and i just though of a new one "aww, now i'm going to go cry" (i'd only say this if the answerer has previously annoyed me, example:Dork).....or I just go on a rant about how my team has done this or that better than their team...just stick up for my Phillies. Only the people who have no lives or just like to act dumb say "your team sucks" and its much easier (and kinda fun) to yell at them.

  28. Unfortunately, I generally have to agree with whoever is saying that, but I tell them that 20 + years of rooting for a losing team has made me stronger fan than they could ever hope to be.

  29. This always happens to me when I say, that I like the SF Giants. I try to deal with it the best I can, and try not to let it get the best of me.

  30. I say that the person who said it just turned 13 years old and has no knowledge of baseball. Not to mention they're extremely biased toward their favorite team and wouldn't like anyhthing about their rivals, even if they served thanksgiving dinner to poor families.

    I'm a Yankees fan, so I've heard all that trash before and I know I'll hear it again. But like Reggie Jackson once said: "They don't boo nobodies." Obviously, if you're saying a certain team sucks, you must think about them an awful lot.  

  31. i say "**** You"


    "Go jump in a lake/ditch"

    or if its a red sox fan

    "26 to 7"

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