
How do you actually control your dreams?

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Okay, I've been wondering how can you actually control your dreams. I know this guy, he can control his dreams like when he have a bad dream or something he can just pop into another one whenever he wants to. But with me that's hard. i've been trying that lately but nothing worth it.

please give me some tips how to control your dreams?


how can you make your dream longer?




  1. just keep practicing every night.. even if you dont think you improved.. taking babysteps is the way to go right?.. youll be able to do it eventually

  2. When one recalls his/her dreams these are no different than thoughts we normally have during our day.  We really can't control thoughts, per se, anymore than we can control our dreams.

  3. its during the day.  Just look at things from the bright side and don't be over worried at night and your mind wont play these tricks on you giving bad dreams.  

    And during a dream... remember its a dream and its not real  and the good ones, enjoy it while you can.  and the Super good ones can mean something! don't think they cant

    you cant really make your dream longer only when your body actually need to sleep longer.  You can try going back to sleep but that's just about it.  trust me Pol will write the weirdest things i highly doubt them - i heard many things before.

  4. you can't .. your brain thinks on its own reflecting on anything you may have experienced thus far.. unless you do major controlling of your senses through meditation.

  5. Well sometimes if i think of something a lot before i go to sleep or a lot during the day then sometimes i dream about it! but you really don't have absolute control whether or not your going to dream about it ! and you can't control how long your dreams are ( the only thing you could do is take a sleeping pill to make sureyou get a longer sleep with no breaks)

  6. WELL YOU CAN'T REALLY. he might be able to but i doubt it

  7. well actualy u cant control your dreams unless you wake up and fal asleep any chance was that guy popping into other dreams....relating to the episode with spongebob?

  8. in your dream think of something and it will happen becouse dreams are just thoughts! i do it all the time...but doesent work for everyone, dont no how to make dreams longer though sorry!

  9. look up lucid dreaming. it tells you how to do that.

  10. Well i've seen this device... that senses rapid eye movement [the reason you dream] and then it sends a gentle pulse of light through your eyelids.. enough for you to see it but not enough for you to get your consciousness back.

    They say once you learn to see the pulse that you can control your dreams sense it's only a manifestation of your thoughts.

    Hope this helps.

  11. Well, usually when i wake up in the morning (no alarms!!!) i just lay in bed (DONT MOVE TOO MUCH/WAK UP) and think about things and i sort of drift into dream mode, im not sure if im actually sleeping but i enjoy this kind oif dream alot because you can remember it better

  12. i heard about a helmet or something that you wear to bed and it monitors your sleep and it blinks when you hit the REM stage of sleep and thats when the good stuff happens i hear.

    then you can start LUCID DREAMING(controling them)

  13. I have to realize that I'm sleeping and I'm dreaming.  It happens to me when things are so strange I start to figure out two and two together that it's a dream.  Sometimes I'll be able to stay asleep and do as I wish, other times I wake up right then.  But a lot of the time I realize it's a dream and then things continue to happen and it fades away that I'm asleep.

  14. I actually never knew anything about lucid dreaming until I was talking to my husband about being able to control my dreams and he said he wasn't able to do it. I just thought everyone could. Then he was interested and searched online and found out that it had a name. I was intrigued and started doing more research. It seems like there are a lot of different ways that people achieve it but my way is just asking myself if I remember getting up and ready in the morning. If something seems strange then I asked myself the question and if the answer is no then I tell myself and the people in my dreams that it is a dream and they can do whatever they want. My dreams become very promiscuous. I also know if I see someone who is dead in real life (like my aunt who comes to me often) and when I see her I know it is a dream. My grandfather says that he dreams of his father a lot but in his dreams he does not know that he is dead and said it seems so real. I have asked several family members and none of them are able to lucid dream so I am unsure how I got the gift. I do question my reality throughout the day as well and rerun my days memories through my mind to make sure that they run smoothly without holes or voids in my memory.

    When I lucid dream then I can just think of changing my surroundings. I tell myself that when I go around a corner then I will be on the beach...and I go around the corner and I am on the beach. I tell myself that I will go down the hall and meet a hot guy who will be totally into me...and I do. I have also tried flying but I hate flying in real life and I wasn't crazy about it in my dream either and came right back down. Once you know you are dreaming and start controlling it, then it is very easy to wake up and it takes a lot of practice and consentration!

  15. you cant

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