
How do you add footnots to your papper?

by Guest58976  |  earlier

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How do you add footnots to your papper?




  1. You should get someone to set up footnotes/end notes  on your toolbar. It is easy to do and simple to use. And then when you press it a tiny number appears to the right and above of the word you want to explain.  The explanation will appear as a list 1, 2, 3, etc. which will appear either at the end of each page you are writing (these are called footnotes) , or else, (according to what is set on the toolbar for  you), right at the end of your paper. These are called end-notes.

    Example: say you quote the name of a book written by someone. Well in the text  you just put his name and then add the footnote number. e.g. (1) Automatically the same number will appear at the end of page or at the end of your whole work.  Alongside it you then write in all the extra information you want: e.g. if a quote from a book: name, date, where published, and the page no. you are quoting.  

  2. Sculpture?

    footnotes   paper

    by writing them at the bottom of the page or at the end of the paper depending on the style demanded by teacher or editor or by using the footnote feature of your word processor.  End of paper with superscript numbers in document is easiest if your word processor does not have footnote feature.

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