
How do you add more psi to a turbo charged car?

by  |  earlier

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what do you add? tweak? or what?




  1. adjust the waste gate so it stays closed longer

  2. Depends mostly on the make and year of the vehicle. I presume it is a newer car, one of the euro type. You have two options really. You can increase boost by remapping your computer. This is a very popular way of doing it and by far the easiest. Second, you can change the "bolw off valve". This is a mechanical situation where you would need expertise. In this case also you need to remap your computer. You must do this for two reasons, one it will tell the computer you have more boost, second to tell the computer you need more fuel. Good luck, I hope I explained it easy enough.

  3. ........ cripes a mighty dude, what kind of car, what year, etc etc..........

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