
How do you add pictures to your profile on deviantART?

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How do you upload pictures onto your profile so everyone can see them?




  1. Go to your homepage ( and on the right side you'll see something that says "submit deviation". Just click it and its pretty self explanitory from there :D

  2. Go to the main page of your profile, then on the right hand side (next to gallery stats), you'll see a link that says "submit deviation" (its the first one on the list). After clicking that link:

    1) give your picture a title

    2) Choose a category

    3) upload the image

    4) Write a comment/caption for it

    5) put in keywords so people can find your work

    6) Make sure to click yes or no for the "contains mature content" portion

    7) Submit and enjoy! (click "no thanks," when it asks you if you want to set your picture up as a print, unless you want to sell your work.)

  3. when you submit a deviation put it in the ID category, then go to your settings to select it.  

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