
How do you add wii channels?

by  |  earlier

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i just recently bought a wii and was wondering is anyone knew how to add the wii channels? theres the weather channel, photo channel, wii shop channel, and the internet channel. thanks




  1. add them from the wii shop channel.

    not all channels cost money though.  if you just want channels and dont care which ones here is a list of free channels available via shop channel:

    Everybody votes channel

    Nintendo Channel

    Check Mii Out Channel

    all other channels cost wii points 100 wii points equal 1 dollar which you get using a credit card or a wii points card.

  2. You add channels from the Wii Shop Channel :)

  3. Go to the Wii Shop Channel. There are lots of games and additional channels you can get for your Wii. If you don't have a credit card, just get a Wii Points Card from any store that sells games.

  4. buy them on the wii shop channel

    you need a credit card though

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