
How do you address a Master of Kung Fu? (Seriously)?

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I am working this certain instructor to do a charity event. I am to meet with him in a few weeks to sure up the schedual and everything. My worry is how do I address him? I am not enrolled in his school and corospondence has been via email and we will meet in his school.

he is one of the top Masters in the don't want to call him "hey howya doin?" :)




  1. depending if he's japanese or chinese

    master will work fine or sensei

    even  "sir" will help

  2. Since you do not actually train a martial art I would think that sir or mister would be fine. just commen everyday courtesy.

  3. To be honest, I would just call him "sir" incase I used the wrong title. I think it would be Sifu or Sensei, but I'm not sure.

  4. Well I am Japanese oriented but if I am wrong I am sure others will correct me but to the best of my knowledge you would call them Master Sifu or just Sifu, or maybe Guru as they use in other asian cultures.

    Japanese is O'Sensei or Grandmaster usually and a few other titles too that indicate the Masters level of rank.

  5. "kunk fu" is inherently referred to as the catchall for chinese systems so I'm presuming chinese martial arts you refer to.

    you call him by his name. Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. suffices.

    for you to call him or her "sifu" is stupid if they are not YOUR teacher/coach/sifu.

    thats like calling your friend's boss "boss" even though you don't work for them.

    anyone who demands that you call them that (which refers to as "my  master" in more of a father figure sense), is just looking to fuel thier own ego.

    it is technically wrong from a time when students lived with and were financially supported by thier teacher or "sifu" so the term was appropriate- now it is not, h**l technically it isn't even appropriate if you are a student as you are not living in your teachers house.

    a good middle ground that might seem weird but still shows respect might be to call him/her/it "professor".

  6. I would stick with sir. Since you are not one of his students or associates.  When you learn of his specific title it would than it would be polite to immediately start using it. You could check on the website for his school or art and find out. Most school web sites of the traditional arts have these honorariums posted in the school rules some where. If you are a member of another martial arts school or a student of the martial arts it would be polite to bow slightly from the waist to show respect.

  7. How do you do mr ?????? pleased to meet you my name is ???????.

    martial arts teachers are just normal ppl and expect to be treated normally like everyone else,however i prefer to be addressed as GOD!lol.

  8. I disagree with Bluto on this one.

    If you are not a Kung Fu Student, then you will not offend him by calling him Sir or Sifu.

    My wife calls my teacher Sifu like I do.  It is an endearing term of respect and honor.  Much like a Medical Doctor (or a Judge).  Even if they are not your doctor, it is still polite to address them as such.

    Since you are meeting him in his school, I would probably call him Sifu "Last name".   Double check with his one of his senior students, but it should be fine.

  9. A young lady here said it best..., just address him as "Sir". You can always call and ask to speak with the Senior Student to get better advice.

    If he is a Master of Kung Fu and is middle age or younger, you can call him Sifu, which means Teacher, but actually is a respectful term recognizing the teacher as a Father figure, a person you respect and look up to with reverence.

    If he is an Older Person, you can call him Lao Shr, which means  Old Scholar. This is a title that says the teacher is not only a martial artist but he is learned in history, literature, sciences, etc.

    The term "old" in China is not looked down on as it is in America.

    My best advice is that you contact the school and ask for the Senior student. Explain who you are and what you are going to do. Tell the student you just want to use proper etiquette when meeting with his teacher.

    I'm sure they would be happy to help.

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