
How do you adopt a child from parents who are about to be deported?

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i want to adopt a 14 year old girl. her parents have a big chance of being deported and i want to see if i can at least help her. so.. how would i do that?




  1. To handle your own adoption you need to understand your state's laws. Obtain the forms from your local court and ask for assistance in completing them.

    Step OneUnderstand that the easiest type of adoption to handle yourself is a stepparent adoption. Agency adoptions will probably require you to hire an attorney. Private adoptions can be handled on your own.

    Step TwoFind out what the adoption law and requirements are in your state.

    Step ThreeGet a book about adoptions in your state.

    Step FourDetermine which court handles adoptions in your state. It may be a family court, a surrogate's court or another type of court. If you don't know, call the county clerk's office and ask.

    Step FiveObtain the forms needed for the adoption. You can get these from the court clerk of the court that will hear the case.

    Step SixAsk the court personnel to help you complete the papers if you don't understand them, or hire an attorney for an hour or two to explain it to you.

    Step SevenHave all the necessary information available. You will need copies of the adoptive parents' birth certificates, work and address histories, social security numbers and other documents.

    Step EightObtain any consents that are necessary, such as those of the biological parents.

    Step NineComplete the forms and make any changes requested by court personnel. Be pleasant and patient with court personnel. They are there to help you, but are also very busy.

    Step TenKeep copies of everything you submit in case things are misplaced.

    Step Eleven Avoid being surprised or offended when a background check, fingerprints or a home inspection are requested. The court has to make sure that you can be proper parents.

    Step Twelve Be honest and open with the judge, social workers and any other people involved in your case. They want the adoption to happen, but must follow a procedure.

    Step Thirteen Find out from the court clerks when your adoption will take place, if any testimony must be taken and what will be required of you at the court appearance.

    Tips & Warnings

    Plan an adoption celebration to mark this important event in your child's life.

    Remember that your adopted child will be your child in the same way as if you were the biological parents. You are responsible for supporting the child and can obtain custody if there is a divorce. Your child will be able to inherit from you when you die.

  2. You can't take her away from her parents because they are being deported. She will be deported with her parents.

    If she is a US citizen the parents can relinquish her voluntarily, but if they don't agree to relinquishment there is nothing anyone can do.

  3. adoption at that age is very difficult but you could take her as a foster child probably.  If she is abandon then social services will let you have her as a foster child.

  4. well if she wasn't born here she's going to be deported too. if she was born here she is a legal US citizen and you can possibly just have them sign adoption papers before they go.

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