
How do you adopt a pet from the zoo?

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LOL. i know this sounds funny, but i was looking on the internet about getting exotic animals. and it said that you could adopt a pet out of the zoo. i just want to know how to do that.




  1. Are you sure they didn't mean "sponsor" and not actual adoption?  Lots of animal charities say you can "adopt" a whale, but that whale is really only yours in name.  For a fee, you get a picture, a bio, and a warm fuzzy feeling for having protected a life.

    I have never heard of one single zoo that releases its animals to anyplace other than other zoos or sanctuaries.  Because most people are nowhere near qualified to care for them.

    Exotics make lousy pets, in general.  Perhaps you could volunteer at a sanctuary?

  2. i dont think anyone does that. unless you are planning to adopt a tiger i think you should go ask to zookeeper?

  3. You can't adopt a pet out of a Zoo for you to own, to "adopt" an exotic animal really means to send money for the care of that specific animal and therefor having your name on a sponsor list for that animal. Adopting and or actually owning an exotic animal such as big cats, bears, monkeys etc. You need a permit which is hard to get. If you do get one and own a large exotic can be cruel and dangerous, they have certain instincts that domesticated animals don't.

  4. Maybe they were referring to adopting it by making donations towards it's care in the zoo. I don't think they will actually let you take an exotic pet from the zoo.

    Sorry, it's cool to think about though. I'd love to have a chimp.

  5. You don't truly "adopt" pay to sponsor the animal and they send you certificates, photos, sometimes a stuffed animal, or ???  Go to the site of the zoo you want and look for it. Here's info. from a couple of my local zoo's:

  6. Howldine pretty much said it.

    But let me say, that in order to keep any wild animal content in captivity, you will NEED to become a zoo! Wild animals are NOT pets at all! Anyone who successfuly does keep any does so in large, outdoor enclosures, similar to those seen at zoos. Maintenence is also a truck load of money and time. In all honesty, very, very few people actually have what it takes to properly keep wild animals happy. Just let the zoos do it :)

    But on that note, since you are considering buying a wild animal as a pet, you should be doing quite well financially. And if you indeed are, why not use that money you planned on spending on your "pet" and helping out the zoos keep caring for their animals? You really will be saving some of them and helping zoos keep themwell fed, happy and healthy with plenty of enrichment and stimulation, just like in the wild. Some zoos actually are forced to cut back on the necessities in animal care if they do not have enough money, so you will be helping :)

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