
How do you advertise a website for free?

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I built a new website that helps people get good deals and the service is free. How would I get the word out to the public for free? Its a local website for our city.




  1. 1.You need to get into some relevant forums to your website and let other people know about it...

    2. You may put the link of your website in the signature of your e.mails (and maybe u can tell some friends to do the same thing)

    3. go to my blog ... and leave me a comment there with your website name .. and I'll put a link in my blog for you ... for free of course

    and u may the information in my blog to get u some profit that might help to make some paid advertisement for ur website.

    p.s: u made a little mistake .. that u didn't even put ur website here !!

    that's all I have ... good luck

  2. Hello pavelbarchuk,

    I'm going to give you a couple of thing to do:

    You can submit a press release to your local newspapers, TV stations, & radio station about your services.

    Here's a website where you can learn how to promote your local business from a local prospective.

    Local Business Masters Course

    How to become a Webmaster that produces RESULTS for local small businesses. Build the SBI! buzz... in your own neighborhood!

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    Go to my website and click on top 50 free classifieds!

  3. Whats your city ? check out the frequently used site in your city by general public. Example, Orkut, myspace etc., go to the relavant forums / topics and post your site when ever necessary.

    Stick your site name to your byke / car... ask your friends also to do the same.

    good luck

  4. Hello,

    The first way to advertise a website is by the means of a paid-per-click compain on Adwords or on Overture. This provides targeted traffic and is a good way to advertise a website, however it may get costly, especially if you have a lot of competition in your market or if your conversion ratio is low. Advertising a website like this might not be the best way, but it’s a fast and easy way.

    The second way to advertise a website is with e-mail marketing. You should find someone in your niche that owns an e-mail list, and then offer him or her 50% of the profits generated when you send an advertisement to this person’s list. Advertising a website this way is free and you can receive many visitors quickly.

    The third way to advertise a website is by the means of linking. It might not get you too much traffic, but if you create a strong Internet presence people will know about your website and you will have done proper marketing. Website advertising this way is also good.

    Fore more information just go through this link :



  5. this site gives you 31 days free it will help you get traffic

  6. Go to myspace and Have the Website be whatever the website name is

  7. In my opinion the best way of free advertising are Free Adboards

    /Advertising Forums.

    The following are the best

  8. advertise for FREE by creating a free profile on directmatches - it's a business network similar to that of myspace and facebook but specifically directed at business people. literally thousands of business people in this network will view your profile

    you can also advertise via the yellow pages using this site

    here's the link if you're interested

    good luck

  9. After a cursory review of your SEO metatags, it appears that you are spamdexing/duplicating the word "portlands" within the <description> metatag and there's not enough "generic" entries which describe exactly what kind of cars you are selling - within the <title>.

    Here's an article which may prove helpful in streamlining your current SEO metatags.

    The most effective way to advertise on the Internet is

    to first set up a website and publish its domain name

    on major search directories such as, [at and since 85% of Internet shoppers rely on these

    search directories to provide them with goods and

    services. In a sense, these search directories are a

    very large Internet Yellow Pages.

    Nevertheless, should your website or opening webpage

    fail to contain "generic" keywords, then anyone using

    such "generic" queries will not be able to discover

    your website. Your domain name [URL] of your website,

    in a sense, will be invisible, undiscoverable.

    You may want to consider some simple algorithms which,

    when observed and committed in designing of a website

    with placement of various critical metatags that can

    surely achieve a high search engine presence and

    increase Internet traffic to your website. These

    metatag strategies work well with published webpages

    at Google and Yahoo.

    Placement of Metatags:

    A ranking or search order does take place with Google

    and Yahoo and it begins with the "Title" metag which

    should consist of no more than 65 characters separated

    by commas. The "Title" should describe in generic

    terms, the goods and services, followed by a location

    from which the resource is located, i.e., city, state.

    The placement of a domain name which is not generic

    within the "Title" is not appropriate, unless your

    domain name is a major recognizable brand name.

    The second metatag is the "Description" which is

    usually 25-30 words to form a complete sentence which

    best describes one's goods and services.

    And the very last category - "Keywords" are also

    somewhat limited to 15-16 words which can be plural

    and compound in nature. Again, avoid multiple entries

    which could be mistaken as "spamdexed entries" which

    is defined as the loading, and submission of

    repetitive words into a particular metatag category.

    "Spamdexing" when discovered on a webpage and reported

    to Google's can result in the

    elimination of your website from their search


    Here's an example of a very highly-placed website on Begin with the very "generic" search query

    "sandwiches downtown los angeles," taking note to not

    abbreviate Los Angeles to "LA" and of course, leave

    out the parentheses ("). It will bring up some 2.4

    million+ search results. Check out where ""

    is ranked. It's ranked No. 1!

    Again,'s high web presence was achieved by

    proper web design and placement of relevant metatags

    according to Google's publication guidelines.

    Good luck

  10. u can try putting up posters around ur neighbor hood if u go to school ask the principal to advertise it on the morning announcements

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