
How do you advertise and gain publicity?

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For a novel you have written and about to be published, what would be the best way to advertise it and gain fans?




  1. Arrange with some libraries to host a meet the author night. Avid readers spread the word. Libraries all belong to a State and National Association.  Let the local news channel and newspapers know you will be doing this.  Also School visits help, again alert the local media to your visits.  Seems small but remember many national news media pick up on the local stories.  You could be the next one and all it will cost you is a few hours of your time.

    Congratulations and Good Luck

  2. You could get a press release written up (use to get a writer to do it for you) and then submit it to It will be distributed to all the major news outlets.


  3. Use free services like  Ã¢Â€Â“great and recommended.   –free way to talk about your Biz.

    -Create flyers hand out to people and put in doors too

    -Word of mouth. Start with people you know and encourage them to tell others

    -Create a logo, attach to vehicles you own.

    TIP: You never know where potential buyers will come from; so advertise where you can.  Be it an empty or packed ad service.  Your job is to sell the product or service- the services are there to help you do that.  Take advantage of offers ad’ services are providing especially if they help to maximize the viewing of your ad(s) and increase sales.  Keep coming back to the sites you advertise on and change your selling techniques from time to time to reach different buyers.

  4. Maybe you could gain some valuable advice from an attorney/law firm that specializes in copyright or patent law, or represents high profile writers,(as agent reps) or publishing firms. They may be able to put you on the right path to establish key connections you need to put your work in front of the right critics

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