
How do you advertise your blog???

by  |  earlier

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how do you make people come to your blog




  1. If you had put you link in as part of you question you could have people critique it as well as getting traffic for it.

    You can get traffic by trying a free traffic exchange service like TrafficSwarm at

    or WebCentreSurf at

    Try StumbleUpon at and add your site to your favorites.

    You can try article marketing at an article submission service like and link back to your website in the resource box for your articles.

    You can also comment on popular blogs like John Chow's or Joel Comm's that allow linkbacks to your URL. Do a Yahoo Search.

    Create a video and upload it to YouTube with your URL flashed on the screen. All of these are free.

  2. stand on the street corner dressed like a chicken and wave at traffic

  3. I joined and I made a point to leave comments at other blogs with my url in them. If you find other blogs you like to read you can always ask them to do a link exchange. You post their blog in your blogroll(list) and they do the same for you.

  4. I presume that you are looking for free ways to advertise your blog.  If this is correct here are a few ways that you can attract people to your blog:

    Entrecard:  This is a free social advertising network for bloggers.  Basically you advertise your 125×125 image, for free, on any blog on the Entrecard and pay with Entrecard Credits instead of real money.  Credits are earned by by visiting other blogs, and leaving your card for the owner (through the widget).

    Blog Carnivals:  There are 1000s of carnivals run each week.  A blog carnival collates posts submissions on a particular topic.  They then publish a carnival post which includes a short description and link to the chosen posts.  This would expose your work to a new audience.

    Memes: This is were an idea is replicated with links across multiple blogs.  The most sophisticated form of this involves using a Mr Linky hook up.  There are 100s of these up and running, for example Wordless Wednesday, Works for me Wednesday and so on.  You put a post on your blog and then go to the originator of the meme and put your details in the Mr Linky.  They have 100s of people linking in and the aim is for the participants to visit and comment on each others sites.

    Commenting on other blogs:  Now this doesn't mean spam type comments, but finding blogs within you niche and submitting comments that further and add to the conversation being had.  Most blogs allow you to put in your link, and if people think that you comment is worthwhile, they may come and check your blog out.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Below is the answer

    1. Optimize your search engine result ranking so that people can find your blog easily

    2. Promote your blog in forum by using forum signature

    3. Promote your blog on your social network

    4. Leave comment on other blog

    5. submit your article to article submission website

    6. Submit your URL to directory

  6. You visit different forum, different free directory submission sites or add you link in free classified. sites.

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