
How do you all feel about circumcision?

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How do you all feel about circumcision?




  1. if u are talking about getting a baby cirumsized i say yes. i have 2 boys and they both are. there is too much of a risk for infection.

    if u are talking from an adult point of view, circumsized is more attractive than not.

  2. I think it's retarded! I'm circumcised but it sucks because I don't have a f******n to play with during masturbation. Who told anyone that they could take my f******n for no reason? Grrrr!

    BTW, circumcision is only routine in America (and in Jewish and Arab communities). Nobody else really does it, so why do we?

  3. I'm circumcised and wish that I was left whole, so obviously I'm against it because if my parents had not had me circumcised when I was a baby, I would always have the option of doing it later if I chose, but now I don't have any options but to just learn to enjoy being circumcised. An uncircumcised p***s is supposed to be more sensitive and make it easier to m********e, so why do people cut that off just for looks? STUPID!

  4. Unnecessary and irreversible procedure that not only removes a natural and important part of a boy's genitals, but also removes his right to choose.

  5. Routine infant circumcision? Unnecessary and should be illegal regardless of gender since it's non-consensual cosmetic surgery on a minor.

    Medical circumcision? After all the other, much less invasive, options have been tried then I suppose it's justified. However, the only true medical indications for circumcision are cancer on the f******n itself, frostbite, and gangrene. Every other potential problem can almost always be solved without cutting anything off just as female problems and infections don't generally require amputation of any genital tissue.

    Adult elective circumcision? His/her body his/her choice*

    *unless that choice was taken away from him by his parents who chose to circumcise him as a baby or child.

  6. it's a disgusting horrible, degrading practice that should be illegal and anyone who circumcised someone against their will should be put in prison just like they would if ithey circumcised a female without need

    I have no respect for people who mutilate babies

    I restored my f******n, I cannot see circumcision as anything but genital mutilation

  7. i'd rather not feel someone's circumcision

  8. All for it.  A lifetime of benefits for the boy and his future partners.  No cancer of the p***s.  Less stds. uri's hpv and hiv.  No smelly f******n, no phimosis, balanitis or paraphimosis.  As for that you tube video, thats an old one about 30 yrs.  

    here are two real videos done the right way.

    here is where you can get some more info;  

  9. Here is a mother's perspective on circumcision.

  10. It's unnecessary and cruel to do to babies. I wouldn't do it if I had son. The f******n is a normal part of the p***s and infections are unlikely, if they happen they can be dealt with.


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