
How do you and your spouse celebrate your anniversary?

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Today was my 13th wedding anniversary. It was a pretty quiet day.




  1. My husband and i usually just go out to dinner.

  2. We go out to dinner as close to it as possible. If it falls on a weekday it is a quiet day and we go on the weekend.  

  3. A lot of men don't know what their wife wants to do or how to celebrate on that day.  Think of what you want to do and ask him to do it with you.  Whether it's going on a cruise or camping, make the plans and have fun.  If you wait on some men to make these kinds of decisions you will feel left out and lonely on that very special of days.


  4. Funny you should ask this question -- today is mine and my husband's 23rd anniversary.  By the way ... Happy Anniversary!

    We celebrated Friday, the 15th, by going to a restaurant we visited last year for our anniversary.  Today, we had a quiet day, and just opened a bottle of bubbly ... I am sipping on a glass as I type this answer.

    In the past, we used to go all out with gifts, cards, he would send me flowers, I would send him gift baskets, dinner, dancing and the works.  We have toned it down considerably over the years.  These days, all we have to do is look at each other and our eyes say those special words.  

    Yeah, we had a pretty quiet day, too.  I kind of like it that way -- how about you?

  5. financially is not permissible but we pick on what we like the most and we go for it.

    going out eat different place every year. spend the night away from home.

  6. married 10 years. i usually make a nice dinner or something. no big celebration or anything. we used to go get our pictures taken but  no we just try to spend a little extra time together. its just another day

  7. Well, we never did celebrate anything. He was anti  everything. A loner with a huge drinking problem. Now, since I'm soon to be divorced every day is a celebration.

  8. Our 18th is coming up on Sept. 1.  My husband asked me what I want, and I told him all I want is a new kitchen floor.  He's not going for that. :(

    Your anniversary sounds pretty typical to me!

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