
How do you answer, "What does it mean to be part of a team?"?

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My field hockey coach gave us an assignment... "What does it mean to be part of a team?" How do I answer that?




  1. What it means to be part of a team:

    the four letter word team stands for alot more than just the little letters that it is made up of. a team means never settling for anything but your best and never leaving your teammates side. a team is a group of athletes that work together and become the best they can be not individually but as a group... a team is only as strong as its weakest player (have you heard that before?)!!! a team is...





    now.... what do you think a team is?

  2. To become a part of a team is a privilege. Few people ever get the  opportunity to experience the support of teammates and friends in the crucible of the competitive arena. A team lifts and elevates the performance of an individual to heights never before achieved. As there is no "I" in the word "TEAM" there is also no room for the concept of "I" in a team environment. So when you refer to a team it is "we" and "us" and "together". This is great concept and in a work environment make sure that someone is doing something and doing it on time. Even teams have captains and champions.

  3. Together




  4. To be part of a team means you have the priviledge of getting help from your teammates to improve, to grow, and to achieve. It also means you have to make some sacrifice, putting the team goal above your personal goal, spending time and effort to help your teammates improve, grow, and achieve.

  5. To be a part of a team is to work together toward a common goal.  You become one unit, playing off your strengths and weaknesses.  To be a part of a team is a group of people working together for mutual success, not one individuals.  You win together, you lose together, you sweat together.

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