
How do you answer "whats up?"?

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alright. when someone says "whats up?" what do you say, if you havent been up to much, other than "nothing much"?

"how are you?"

your suppose to say fine, but then what...

conversation issues.. i have them.

those are hard questions...

i like specific questions.. how do you answer those complicated ones?




  1. i just say nm, and then ask a question

  2. When someone says Whats Up, me and my friends usually respond like this:

    "nothin', whats up with you?"

    or "OMG! I totally have road rage right now. Whats going on?" (or whatever is going on with you that moment.

    or simply reply "hey! whats up?!?!" right back!

    If someone says "how are you?" I tell them how I am... like: "good, how are you?" or "I've been busy the last couple days, how have you been?" or "not so hot, I have the stomach flu.". I mean its not rocket science. Just answer the question honestly.

  3. Hahah I love this question! Like really... the sky? Haha no I hate when people say 'not much u'? Because it is like, at least you could say, Not much, how about you? I mean seriously, SPELL OUT you! Hahah so I just usually say, "Not much. Just watching this movie, "_____". Have you ever seen it?" Something along those lines! :) Or just try to get them to start a conversation based on your answer.

  4. when somebody sols whats up ,well i took the dog to the vet .to day another 150.00. i paid the electric bill today it cost me 400.00 so,whats up with you

  5. the sky

    the ceiling







    anything above ur head

  6. If I were a man and a woman asked, I`d surely say My p***s! Ha ha! But seriously, I`d say: " Jus` cool, takin` in some blah blah blah (say what I was doing before the call or visit) what about you?"

  7. I live in an apartment, so my response to What's up?  Is always >> the Rent!

  8. When someone tells me "Whats up?" i use that as an excuse to open up a very interesting conversation with me as the main point of interest....its my oppertunity to sell whoever, the most important thing going on my life at the moment. So ill respond 9 out of 10 times, "Ive just been really busy lately".....they respond "what cha been up to?"....and then ill talk about whatever is on my mind like my job, college plans, sports, etc. The conversation is yours when someone asks you "Whats up

  9. say "whats up" back or sumtimes I say "aint sh*t"

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