
How do you answer the question, "Donde eras alumno(a)?" in spanish?

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I don't understand how to answer this question and have been lokking for hours. I have a test tomorrow on it so please answer soon.




  1. "Yo fui alumno de ... School, High, etc"

    "Estudié en..."

    "Cursé mis estudios en la escuela..."

  2. where were you a student?

  3. Literally: Where you were a student?

    Where did you study?

    Which school did you go?


    Sorry, I forgot the answer. Just say:

    Era alumno en la escuela X

    Era alumno en el colegio Y (or "universidad Z")

    You can also say "Era alumno DE ...(la escuela X, la universidad Z...)

    Obvious, you can say: Estudié EN (+ school name), but the question say "alumno", so, it´s your choice.

  4. Americo is correct.

    For an answer, I personally would say

    Asistía a (name of school).

  5. where were you an alumni?? that's the question in that what you mean you don't understand?

  6. Where have you studied? (literally it meant Where was student?)

  7. "Where were you a student?"

    I hope this helps!

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