
How do you approach journalists?

by Guest60454  |  earlier

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Hi I am trying to do some PR and I need some advises on how to approach magazines..thank you!




  1. 1.  Read the magazine.  Get an idea of what they write about.  Whatever your product or service is, does it seem like something they'd cover?

    2.  Find out who is the editor in charge of that part of the magazine.  Address your letter to that person.  

    3.  Keep your letter short, and make it tantalizingly interesting.  Magazines get hundreds of pieces of mail every day.  I'm not exaggerating!  They get more mail in one day than you do in an entire month.  So don't expect anyone to spend more than a few seconds on what you have to say.  If it isn't fascinating and to the point, they'll pitch it.  They won't wade through something long or off-topic.

    4.  A week or 10 days after you mail it, call the person and ask if they've considered doing anything with it.  

    Remember -- a magazine's job is to provide interesting articles for its readers.  Keep that in mind as you approach them.

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