
How do you approach love and past hurt?

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Don’t say that Johno, remember, everything in life happens for a reason and everyone in our lives have a season. She crossed your path so that you may learn from the experience you had with her and move onto someone new. The next relationship with be a clean slate, giving you the chance to take the lessons you’ve learned with the last girl, learn from them, and try not to make the same mistakes with the new girl. Everyday lived is another lesson learned. But you’re given another day to make right the wrongs from your past. Don’t get stressed out because one girl is missing out on the goodness you have to offer.




  1. Great thought,however,reality is always the winner.Just move forward not backwards.

    Don't worry about the people in your past.There is a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

  2. For me, I never forget my past and i used to remember them even it hurts me alot and pushed me to the groundw with pain and sorrow. For now,  I again approaching love by not turning back where i'm hurt mostly and stand on my feet, not to fall down again. for love, this time--i will fight for it and not losing it again.

  3. "I thought of those who live their lives angry towards the opposite s*x" you say, but did you think of PAUL the writer, and how he was towards women, and what made angriest was that marry was first at the tomb to see the risen lord

    The early church was, Mary, James, Jude the brother of Jesus.

    they all got sidelined by someone who clamed that he was both Jewish and roman citizen, spent scores of years in a roman dungeon

    Where he just happened to have ink paper, to write all manner of letters to the known world

    Well, roman prisons were just rat-laden pits, damp dark and foul, Paul? I aint so sure…

    But any words of love I’m down with that!!!


    Tasha, I can see your grace and love, Bless girl... I have read the bible and grew up on it, but have found that something came and distorted the original message, Paul was a bit too anti women as was many of the church fathers, this won't fly, it is not Jesus..

    One of the reasons that I visit on here is we are now in a time of total revelation where all things MUST be revealed, (this one has to know, if you don't, then you don't so be it)

    Those of us who fight, MUST anchor ourselves in love, but it is still a fight, and its evil and its spread that has to be fought, this is Mankind’s last chance, I suggest that you read some of the symbolism in revelation, (don't take it litural)

    And don’t imagine that this can always be pretty…… but don’t lose heart, good will win in the end. trust

  4. My case is a little different.  My ex-wife ended up in jail, partly on my testimony, for paedophilia, and a number of other charges, including perverting the course of justice.

    It took me quite a long time to come to terms with what she did, and realise that I was not responsible for what she did.  I also had to get over the feeling of betrayal, and the resentment that came from what happened.  I also had to remove myself from the idea that all women were like her.  

    The hardest part about the whole process was the realisation that truth is rarely painless, but it is still better, in the long term.  I am Christian, and it was a difficult time for my faith because i felt that I was being punished for what she did.  Guilt by association and all that.

  5. I dunno, I got dumped two weeks ago by my girlfriend for being immature and her family said I was BENEATH her! so I approach it with f*ck her and f*ck them! I'm gonna make money but I won't turn into a freak when I do! I ******* hate them and that stupid *****!

  6. I don't forget past hurts, but I do forgive them (eventually, sometimes it's not easy) and I do not let them taint my perspectives of other people.  By doing that, I feel like I learn from the past but I don't dwell or live in the past.  I completely trust the people I love, but I am not naive.  That is what you gain from experience.

    I'm not a religious person at all, but I'm giving you a star anyways.  I've heard that quote before, and I have always appreciated the setiment of it.

  7. I face them head on, analyze what happened, and moved on.

  8. Your words can be applied to all sorts of love ... the kind of love than all humans should have for all other humans, not just romantic love.   It's divine love .... but a divine love that humans can, at the very least, strive for.

    I think the problem is that so many people never feel this kind of love from anyone in their entire lives.  You obviously believe in God, but some people struggle to believe in something they cannot KNOW is there.  It's a matter of faith.  Love is the same way ... many people cannot believe in this kind of love because they have never experienced it.  However, there is never a shortage of hurt in the world ... so people know it exists and believe in its existence.  Anger is a feeble self-defense mechanism.  As is fear.  After being hurt, people grasp onto whatever they can to help them avoid being hurt again.  Unfortunately for some, the means they find only create more anger and fear.  

    I think its more than just a matter of being strong or weak willed ... some people ARE naturally stronger people, but it doesn't make them better ... only more fortunate.  Mother Teresa said something around the lines of caring most for those that are poor in spirit, because they need help even more than those who are materially poor, but strong in spirit.

    I am human, I struggle.

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