
How do you approach someone or make friends with a stranger?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I know strangers aren't that good to talk to but what if we go to some class together and i don't know his or her name. People consider me as anti-social. But I don't think i am. I just think i have trouble reaching out to people when practically no one wants to know you and are just busy w/ there lives. I live in a new town and have few friends than in the city i used to live in....

+ I find it hard to compliment someone....on something. I feel this heavy painful feeling when i try to compliment someone. I know I should be myself, I always am the sweet, shy, crazy me, but only when you get to know me. I can't reach out to anyone and no one seems to reach out to me.... I mean I don't look bad either. So I don't think it's the way i look....What's sooo bad of listening to metal and expressing yourself? I'm a real sweetheart inside.....seriously, it's just that nobody cares. They shouldn't either, but they can't even reach out when you try so hard to talk to them.......

There is nothing wrong w/ me is there?

And even if there was, I'm myself & no one likes it? =\

really confused in a ****** up way.





  1. well you could find away to say "hey my name is ---"

    if that seems to uncomfortable if you make eye contact with someone you can smile and they most likely smile back and then eventually you`ll meet new friends.

    i hope i helped.

  2. act that you aren't interested in people and if u talk to a stranger try and find a stranger that looks like they aren't going to grunt and walk away form you

    when you talk to them, talk casually, don't act shy because if you do that they will make you seem stupid when they walk away and don't reply

    if you are confident and they walk away, they will look stupid so you won't feel awkward

    ask someone for the time and then go from there

    but for goodness sake don't ask for the time when you are wearing a watch... I did that once...became a laughing stock

  3. just accept that is the way you are peope like their comfort zones and although it looks as thou they have heaps of friends they also dont know how to approach strangers otherwise they wouldve approached you ...... smiling is always an ice breaker people are drawn to smily happy people

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