
How do you approach your company if your insurance stinks??

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The prescription plan wants us to get prescriptions thru their own company in three month intervals. But they say they are out of stock or all kinds of reasons they can't fill them. If we fill them in a local pharmacy then we pay.

What is the best way to approach the company about getting it changed or getting them to approach the company with complaints?? Any suggestions??




  1. Write a letter to your HR department if you have one, and otherwise to your boss with a cc to his or her boss, detailing the problems you have had with getting prescriptions filled that should have been covered.

  2. This is company dependent, much as with drug testing

    Some companies for PR want to offer insurance or be a Drug Free Zone, but you soon see it is what I call Wink-Wink

    But, assuming your company is serious, then you must work your points up through the chain of command

    Carefully, put together the issue(s) that concern you

    Document your points

    Tighten up your plan as you ooze to the top

    Do NOT be contentious!

    Walk in their shoes as much as possible

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