
How do you arrange your planning for a preshool program, daily weekly monthly objectives?

by  |  earlier

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For example in Sept you want to cover the letters A and B, the #'s 1 and 2, the circle, color red and the theme apples/fall. what would a sample week look like to cover the topics?




  1. collage for the letters---make sure you talk about what sound the letter makes and stress the names of the items on the collage so they can hear the ltter sound.

    putting 1 or 2 apples in a basket

    sorting apples vs leaves

    decorate a red circle

    use apples to stamp red paint on the letter a

    you can combine skills to reinforce them

  2. i do a new theme weekly

    this weeks theme= manners

    the days concept= thankyou (you would have like please and sharing and different concepts each day for a week)

    (time) circle time


    introduction= (discribe activity/poster)


    song/fingerplay= (title words and music)

    explanation of art or fine motor activites= (this is what were doing)

    art= thank you cards for mom or dad or anyone who is special to you

    outside playtime

    group activity

    tell a time someone did somthing you are very thankful for

    what did u learn today

    clean up and transaction circle


    show and tell

    child spot light


    reveiw of todays activities

    not sure if this is what you were looking for its a rough outline of my preschool lesson

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