
How do you ask a girl out?

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that you don't know very well, but want to go on a date type thing. should you say wanna hang out? or want to go on a date with me idk. please answer. where would i take her, and i cant drive. im 14




  1. Well, ask her if she wants to go to the movies or something. but make sure that whatever your asking her to do is something she likes. if she says no....then maybe try it out as friends for a while and see what happens.

  2. only invite her to a coffe, to the movies, visit her at home,

    go to the mall....maybe you can invite she and her friends

    to a party with your friends, not formally "dating"

  3. hang out with mutual friends at public (football games) things and privateish( bowling) or if no mutual friends man up and hang out with her friends.

    when you feel like your close to her (or her friends start asking you if you like her its a big hint that she'll say yes) do something cuteish to ask her out

    you can use what i did but try to come up with your own

    i went bowling and distracted her with something about something and had her best friend change the names of people playing to

    (her name here)

    will you

    go out

    with me

    girls love that kinda stuff

    good luck

  4. You are 14, aren't you too young to be asking girls out?  

    Is your mom okay with this?  If she is, then she can drive you.

    Shouldn't you have a group of friends that "hang out" together and wreak havoc at the local mall or movie theater?  

    14 is way too young to get mixed up with girls.  You have no idea what you are getting yourself into.  Didn't your mom talk to you about girls?

    Girls can be nice and spice and all that c**p.  But there are a lot of girls that like to make trouble for boys once they know they like them.  There are girls that play games with boys emotions.  There are girls that are needy and will make you crazy.  There are girls that are all drama, and I don't mean they join the school club, they make their own drama and woe is you if you get caught up in it.

    My advice, stay away from girls.  Girls will always be there.  Your education is important, and having a girlfriend when you are not emotionally ready for it ( which at 14 you probably are not) will only cause your grades to suffer.

  5. something specific; would you like to go to the roller rink with me saturday night

    would you like to come to the dance with me next friday?

    might you be able to come to a movie with me on friday night?

    arrange for your parents to drive.

  6. im not sure...well show her u like her this may help...and if u answer it will help me 2!! its about the guy i like;...

  7. sometimes at 14 girls find it cute when you do that, just tell her how u feel and ask her to hang out somewhere that u have access to without driving. After School walk or the park. or somewthing

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