
How do you ask your parents to go to Japan?

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I see all of these people that are like "Oh yeah when I went to this store in Japan" and blah blah blah and I haven't even left America yet.

=( I'm trying out for a school in Japan to go for 10th grade but even so that's in Osaka and I really want to go to Tokyo.




  1. First, go on the internet and research everything to do with your dream.

    Second, Osaka is not really that far from Tokyo{only about 3 hours by Shinkansen(bullet train)}.

    Third, ask your parents if their financial situation is similar to your stepdad's financial situation.

    Fourth, ask your parents if they will allow you to go.

  2. A lot of it would probably depend on whether or not your parents can afford to send you to japan, and what kind of supervision you would have over there.

  3. Osaka is just as interesting as Tokyo, and like another user said.. not that far from it.

    Perhaps you should wait until you graduate from High School to go to Japan? You won't be a minor then and could really take in the Japanese night life!

  4. luckkyyyy

  5. if you make it to the school in osaka it is 2 and a half hours by shinkansen 9 (about 250 round trip)

    harder if your not going to school in japan but tickets are about 1300 dollars roundtrip from NY

    or about 700 from LA

  6. Many of the students in America that go to Japan for exchange seem to go to Osaka or another prefecture. I rarely hear of a high schooler going to Tokyo. Maybe because of the big city, or maybe because American institution's want students to go to areas where they can really immerse in Japanese language (because honestly you can get away with being in Tokyo for a couple months and never have to use a l**k of Japanese). And besides Tokyo is like a 2 hour train ride. Which is really not that bad, its better than saying you live in Minnesota and want to visit LA.

    Osaka I feel is perfect for a high schooler anyway. You can experience Japan and a large city at a good pace instead of being bombarded with it all. Because frankly you are there to be a full-time student and you are under the care of a complete stranger, so its not like you'll be running out every day.

    Anyhoo. I say just do the research. Find schools that will work with your current one for academic grade transfer, etc., the cost, info on the prefectures in question, etc. Showing them a well thought out plan will always give you points in showing your seriousness of studying abroad.

  7. well there are two ways

    1. be honest with them. jsut come right out and ask. "hey mom and dad can i visit japan??". see how they react

    2. plan it before u ask them. set everyhting up how u want it, and then ask them how they feel about it.  

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