
How do you ask your teacher if she's pregnant?

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How do you ask your teacher if she's pregnant?




  1. You really shouldn't ask any woman if she is pregnant....

    You will feel pretty bad if you were wrong about what you thought.

  2. You won't need to be asking superfluids questions, you see, if you just gave the woman some time and be patienced. This seemed silly.

  3. Never ever ask her.  One time I thought this one woman was pregnant...I asked her and turns out that she has a belly from all that wine drinking!!!!


  4. bring a cute little like, 4 year old to school, tell her to ask her, and then sound suprised when she askes

  5. You dont its rude

  6. You don't.

  7. why do you want to know?? its not polite!!!

  8. be very careful about asking women in general if they are pregnant.. if they aren't then they might think that they look fat.. if you definitely think that she is pregnant then just go strait up to her and ask.

  9. you don't. put yourself in the teacher's postion, would you like a student prying into your life?

  10. You probably shouldnt ask her, she would tell you if she wanted the class to know

  11. have a young kid ask her

  12. I'm so glad to see these answers!  I have ovarian cancer and a very large stomach.  It's embarrassing enough to look this way, but when people ask when the baby's due I cringe with humiliation.  Please never ask a woman if she,s pregnant or comment like she just never know unless she tells you.

  13. go ahead and ask and your kid will suffer for rest of yr.

  14. NEVER EVER ask a women if she is pregnant unless you see a baby falling out of her!!!!


  15. you don't...if she hasn't told you, then it's none of your business.

  16. don't you ask, it's rude.Imagine if she wasn't, that would be bad.

  17. you don't

  18. you dont you wait until she say something

  19. DON'T. wait a while, if she is, it will start to be obvious soon enough. And if she hasn't said anything, she probably isn't, or doesn't want you to know.

  20. You don't ask any woman if she is pregant.  If she is and wants people to know, she will let them know.  That simple.  It is really not anyones business but hers.  Besides...if you ask a woman who is not pregnant if they will be on their "s" list for a long long time.

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