
How do you avoid a speed trap?

by Guest32774  |  earlier

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i get sleepy when i drive to the speed limit. thats why i always go over. i know both are dangerous, please solve my problem?




  1. What the h**l is your problem? Why is it you think that YOU are so special? I guess the laws just don't apply to you. Do you even realize that put people at risk when you drive while you are falling asleep, I don't really give a **** if you kill yourself, but what happens when you fall asleep and you run into 6 year old kid on the sidewalk?

    My God, you are the reason that kids like you do not deserve to be on the roads, grow up and follow the speed limit, you talk like a spoiled little brat that thinks everything has to go your way, well guess what honey? it doesn't. Now if you can't find it in your pathetic little body to be able to stay awake on the road, turn in your license and get the h**l off the road before you kill someone.

    And to top that off....YOU'RE ONLY 14. I'm sure your parents would love to know what you are doing with their car.


    Come on kid, we are not as stupid as you seem to be. This is your question not your dads, grow up, seriously, and get off the d**n road.

  2. Keep it under 10 over and they most likely won't bother you.

  3. turn on ur head lamp and make it hi beam........ that will solve ur problem,,,,,, or u can order speed trap detector that available in japan, every speed detector generated frequency so this device could warn u earlier...........

  4. I dont know! I always speed and it finally caught up with me! I got a ticket! GrRr. Try listening to music and focusing on the driving conditions. Relax yourself so you don't get in a hurry from being so antsy.

  5. The speed limit has nothing to do with you getting sleepy!

    Try getting more rest,   singing with the radio,   more air circulation,   pleasant conversation with a passenger  (ABSOLUTELY NO PHONE WITHOUT A HANDSFREE UNIT).

  6. cruise control

  7. You get "sleepy when you drive the speed limit?"

    That has to be one of the most absurd things I've ever heard. The speed limit changes depending on what road you're on. That's just a lame excuse to demonstrate lack of planning, obedience to traffic laws, and impatience.

    Stop making things up to excuse your bad behavior and just follow the speed limit.

  8. use a sat nav with speed camera detection

  9. Don't speed - problem solved!

    PS - if you are getting sleepy, you shouldn't be driving.  Take a nap before you go...

  10. don't speed!

  11. Stop driving tired, simple as that, if you are so tired that you cannot stay awake and obey the road rule's then you should not be driving, catch a bus or taxi :o)

  12. Slow down...

  13. 1) DON"T SPEED. Period! you are going to waste gas.

    2) GET MORE SLEEP before you nod off and kill someone

    3) NO CRUISE CONTROL...the idiot that said to do that has a death takes more concentration to drive WITHOUT cruise control so you might stay awake.

    4) radar detectors...I've never had one, never will, because by the time YOUR detector goes off...YOU'VE already been hit by the radar!

    5) and the idiot that mentioned laser jammers? Where did you get that idea...Marvel comics? they DON'T exist, AND even if they did...ARE ILLEGAL. Many states already can give tickets just for having radar DETECTORS.

    Why some people think they are 'smart' by telling others how to cheat or get around laws...when you need to learn to OBEY the laws that are there to PROTECT you is beyond me. They DESERVE every ticket they get!

  14. It's been shown that if you drive 170+ MPH you can trick the speed cameras into thinking you're not really there.

    171 usually does the trick.

  15. i got copdar its like for g*y people they can sense other g*y people i can sense cops

    0 tickets (except a parking ticket that was BS)

    1 accident (not my fault got rear-ended couldn't avoid it)

    driving since oct. 2004

  16. cruise control, get a radar, drive the speed limit, ....

    there is ever a radar with a speed buster in it. its sends out a verry fast signal to the cop like 200 and a very low one like 5 .. that makes it so the cop cant use that at all.

  17. You need to fix your health problem that leads to sleepiness while driving.  Some obviious choices:

    * Do not drive during time of day when sunlight low on horizon is fatiguing

    * As soon as feel sleepy, pull over to safe place to park & take a nap

    * Plan meals so your brain is energized while driving

    * Talk about this problem with your doctor

  18. Speed traps are illegal.  Too many people mention them out of context.

    as for RADAR and LIDAR (laser) jammers, they do exist, and are illegal.  

    One thing people need to realize is if an officer is going to use the RADAR/LIDAR on you, they must first visually estimate your vehicle's speed.  The RADAR/LIDAR is merely used to confirm the visual estimation.  So use a jammer all you want, I will know if you have one because the true speed will not be reflected on the device I am using.  I will stop you, confiscate your jammer, write you for having the jammer and for the speed I estimated you were going.

    In order for a police officer to use RADAR/LIDAR, we have to be certified in the use of visual estimations.  Those estimations have to be within 5 mph.  Therefore, you would not be stopped for going 5 mph over the speed limit based upon an estimation.  But if you are 10-15 or more over, you will.

  19. Check this:

    Yesterday at my Dr's office I heard the next patient talking, she said, "...yeah, I had to come down into town to eat, I haven't eaten for 2 days.  It was hard to drive so spaced out."

    I drive her windy road every workday.  It would be devastating to crash or be run off the mountainside into the treetops because someone couldn't stay awake.

    You're scary.

  20. Quit Driving.

  21. I know you said that you know it's dangerous but don't you think you're life if worth more than getting wherever you have to get? Not to mention everyone elses life who is on the road (or sidewalk) near where you are driving.

    Cruise control will keep you under the speed limit but it will not let you avoid an accident if you fall asleep at  the wheel.

    PLEASE, if you're tired DON'T DRIVE, if you're already on the road just pull over. It's not fair to anyone (yourself, your family, your friends) to knowingly put your life in danger.

  22. Let someone else drive, and catch up on your sleep.

  23. Take a cab...

  24. a valentine one radar detector and have laser jammers installed on your car.

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