
How do you avoid being carded at a restaurant when ordering drinks and you're underage?

by Guest33480  |  earlier

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I don't need a lecture, thanks.




  1. You can't, unless you look older than what you are. I'm 38, and unless they look older than I, I card. It's our job.

    Do you know what trouble we can get into if we served you? I know you don't want lectures, but I hate it when KIDS like you try and mess with my livelihood. I'm not going to jail and pay a $10,000 fine because your sorry --- thinks they're cool and wants to drink.

    Find an older boyfriend, so HE can get in trouble. Better yet, check into a rehab center, and see why you feel you need to drink!!!!

  2. you cant avoid being carded.  it is really just up to the server or the manager at the time.  If there is a bar there, you can definitely bet you will be carded.  most places are getting stricter, espc. in the summer because they can not only loose their license to sell alcohol, but can also loose their restaurants, be faced with enormous fines and be forced to fire the person who served the person.  Also, if that minor dies in an accident or  kills another in an accident, the parents are liable and the restaurant is liable for the death of the persons involved.

  3. Lecture like it or not,  you got your whole life ahead to indulge moderately.

  4. In most places, you can't. Bars and restaurants are more likely to card now than in years past. And it's really not worth it to them to serve you or to you to drink in public. Way too many cons to this issue, honey. It's hard, but you are much better off not to drink until you are of legal age--the younger you start drinking, the more likely you are to have a problem with it. Not trying to lecture, by the way, just telling you the same thing I tell my own kids and my own students.

    Try to find another way to entertain yourself.

  5. if you want to drink.. buy what you like and drink at home.. how can you enjoy your drink if you are wondering who is looking ro whill i get caught ok there are so many ways to purchase and drink at home.. its safer also.

  6. the way to avoid being carded is to not order the alcohol.  Not lecturing, just a fact of life.

    Most places are required to ID under 30 for alcohol because the place serving and the server can both be fined/jailed/shut down for serving to underage patrons and they can be held liable for any deaths or destruction you cause from driving drunk.  Just something else for you to consider when you're trying to scam someone.

    drink at home until you're old enough to buy it yourself.

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