
How do you avoid drama?

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im starting high-school in 4 days.

im always caught in drama.

how can i prevent it, i dont want to be like a hated freshman for something.




  1. You can't avoid drama.  It will be there - regardless.

    Perhaps the best question to ask is what to do if drama comes up.

    How about making note of what kind of drama keeps coming up, when does it come up, with whom are you with - and, are they the reason(s) for your drama.  Once you see a pattern, and it is certain people that are causing you to have this drama, you might want to reconsider if he/she/they are friends to have in the first place?

    How about avoiding situations that cause the drama?  I've read in a really good book that "Bad company corrupts good morals."  This should be a tip.  Think really hard on this one and keep tabs on it, as well.  Again, once you see a pattern develop, then correct it.

  2. when someone says something that bothers you, dont tell them or dont fight back. i know its not the best option at all but thats someimes what i do to avoid drama or making a scene. i do regret it later though

  3. You can avoid drama by not answering anything and by keeping things to yourself. If you find yourself chatting about another girl/guy in negative ways than you are just going to cause more drama.

    If you are in drama, just try to stay on the sidelines while it goes away, but usually drama is hard to deal with in High School and really you  an never avoid it entirely.

    Good luck starting high school!  

  4. You can't.

    Sorry to say, but it's all over.

  5. you cant.

    dont even try.

    it follows you and bites you in the butt

    just enjoy it, laugh about it when its all over, it won't last forever.

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