
How do you avoid foolishness, wasting time and goofing around when you've got lots of homework to do?

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Recently, I watched an episode of Spongebob where in boating school, they were asked to write a 800 word essay. While at school, Spongebob thinks his task is very easy. When he came home, he had this feeling of not doing his homework and then he starts wasting time. Then, he gets nervous. Then, it's 5 mins. till boating classes. He would've been in trouble if Ms. Puff didn't cancel the homework. Have you watched this episode?

My situation is very much alike. It seems that there's this feeling in me that makes me not wanna do my homework so I tend to goof around even though I know there are lots of homework. How do you fight this feeling? It prevents me from becoming responsible. Maybe even though you take away all my entertainment, I'll find other ways to waste time. Help me please. Is this how bad homework and studying gets? I'm a 2nd or 3rd honor student and I get line of 90 grades (sometimes upper 80's like 87 or 88). I'm currently a 2nd year high school student.




  1. well what kind of goofing around do you do?

    I think you start goofing around becasue you get a little bored of the homeworks. You should set  a timetable i think which you have to stick to and i think this will work to stop you goofing around as you are giving a time limit for each piece of homework to be done.

  2. ****, you sound exactly like me. I get the same sort of grades as you. I also have that problem. I find that i cant force my self to do it without getting reckless. I find that take a break, in my case from fucknig around on youtube and go play some xbox or something for a while. Then i come back and im in a less frenzied state, and im able to calm down and get down to homework. Then once im into it, nothing can stop me, not even dinner lol.

    Good luck, sorry i dont have some psychic strategy.

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