
How do you avoid problems from retarded co-workers?

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the company hire some of these people because they didn't have bad background, they are not mentally ill, but they are not fully retarded just on the border of normal and retardation. They are grumpy for no reasons and make your job more difficult they just go by how they feel one minute they are nice then 23 hours and 59 minutes they are not because they don't have enough common sense. If they happen to hate you they can be very irritating like getting on your nerves or fleas on my wings.




  1. Only talk to the people who are positive at work. Ignore the retards, dont make eye contact.

  2. you just have to do your job and the performance of their works will proof it selves that they are not capable of doing the job well these people are everywhere they like to get grumpy for no reasons you are asking for advice and KALISCHE answer is not  a good advice on top of that she is attacking you and try to bring you down to her level including people who thumb up her answer. They feel that you are insulting them because you are describing their true inner selves that they are actually a grumpy and retarded people. go ahead get jealous angel baby got wings :) 2^[]^2

  3. It sounds like you are the problem, not them.  You are the one that's irritated.  They don't even notice that you are upset most likely.  Nor do they care.  It's your own prejudices that are causing you the problems.  You don't know how to work along side someone that you don't feel is up to your standards mentally.  Well too bad for you.  Grow up a bit.  Everyone isn't here to fit into your mold.  Try to learn a little tolerance.  They have a disability, so do a lot of people.  Do you think that you are so much better than they are?  Get a grip dear.  You aren't Einstein yourself.  

  4. pe polite no matter what, act stupid & happy, fake it till yoou make it.

  5. If it was me I would say the serenity prayer. You probably heard it before it goes, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.  I understand how you feel because I worked with mean conniving workers who said all kinds of rude things to me every day. Now they are still shuffling around at that old tired job and I am free and I am like the jeffersons because I am moving on up.They moved down. Give them some fleas medicine like I bought for my cat advantage so you can't get the fleas anymore from them. I prayed the fleas off someone yesterday and the fleas had to run.I noticed a change right away. I used to pray under my breath at this one job in the mill and these older bitter ladies that did not like me for no reason would start getting upset when I was praying becasue they did not know it was their devils that were upset. Now I am even more powerful at prayers and I can send the devils jumping from airplane. I am not afraid and if they need to know about my prayer if they want troubles I can give them just by a little praying. It is not really me but God runs them off because he promised to answer my prayer and he is glad to help.

  6. Tell the boss to hire a special ed teacher :)

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