
How do you avoid unwanted visitors specially who are selling their faiths ?

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I respect all religions. Every one has right to practice what ever they like. But visiting some else home without any prior appointment or unannounced annoys me specially on weekends. They immediately starts reading their faith's book and telling their God is better then someone else God. Is there any law for these kind of people. Or is there a good sign I can put on my door bell. Please share your thoughts.




  1. I tell them that I am Catholic (which I am) and they should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. I would recommend putting a sign on your door stating that you do not want to be bothered by them (in a much nicer way, of course)

    Then, if they continue to pester you, it is now harassment and you can call the police

  3. I just tell them the truth - I'm Pagan and have no interest in converting to anything else. Most JW's leave rather quickly. The Pentacle plaque on my door keeps most from knocking.

  4. Go to this website:

    Search for "Bible thumpers." Buy one & put it on your door.

  5. Do like my "esteemed"' "Mother" used to do to Strays who knock or scratch at your door:

    Throw a pot of boiling hot water at them!

  6. Get a no solicitors sign. Open the door, point at it and say "No thanks".

  7. Install a peep hole and don't answer the door.

  8. Before they can get one word in say I'm not interested and close the door.  If they try to hand you literature, don't even raise your hand.

  9. Get a granny guard

  10. I once told some that they were interrupting my mind morning s*x and they have not come back since.

    Really the best way is just to say no thank you though. I just happened to be in a really bad mood that morning.

  11. There are many ways to get the point across. Something subtle like a 'no solicitors' sign may be a start. If that doesn't work, you have to get stern with them. Sometimes nice isn't enough. "Get the f*** off my property and don't come back" while wielding a shotgun will definitely get it done.

  12. If you're talking about the JWs or the Mormons, they are annoying and they are false religions.  The only defense seems to be to put up a sign, "NO SOLICITING."  These people, once they get started talking are hard to shut up to say the least.  You have to be rude in order to get rid of them.

    The atheists coming into the R&S are just as annoying and come in here on purpose to bug the Christians all the time.

  13. Put a sign up that states...If religion is preached on these steps you well be given an old testament beat down..idk the best i can come up with off the top of my head

  14. Thankfully I live in a locked apt. building. If I didn't and this was a recurring problem I would put a sign at my front door saying:  No solicitors allowed. This includes religious solicitators. Thank you and have a nice day.

  15. Once, when Jehovah's Witnesses wanted to give me their "Watchtower", I asked, if there were any girls' pics inside. They have been avoiding me since then.  

  16. I've only two visitors pedaling their religions at my door over the last 30 years. So it really doesn't bother me. But if I wanted to prevent visitors like that, I would put a "no solicitors" sign on my door.

  17. It is very difficult to do this in a polite manner. I had one come over, and I tried to explain some basics about evolution, but he was not convinced and still came back 2 times.

    By then I had read a lot and was shooting holes in his fake evolution theory, and told him what the real thing was.

    Seriously, if you want to get rid of them, just say..I have a different belief/no belief and you are not going to change that!

    Or..Only if you can show me your God, Í'm convinced!


  18. I just put up a No Thumper sticker on my door. It's got 2 people with a bible and a red slash going through it. Let's hope they leave me alone now! You can get one a t evolvefish.com

  19. Answer the door naked and tell them you're just going to get your partner of the same s*x!! Bet they would soon scurry down the path before you can blink!!

    To be honest I've never had the problem of religious door knockers, then again I live in the UK, and they tend not to bother you. Lucky me eh.

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