
How do you base your favorite team?

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Me again. Just learning about football. I want to know how do you base who is your favorite football team. Is it off of tradition? Stats? What? Just trying to pick a good team. Thanx!




  1. For me it's mainly geography and tradition.  I was born in New Jersey and my family is full of Yankees, Mets, Giants & Jets fans.  So I liked those teams too.  As I got older I narrowed it down to one for each sport, becoming a Giants & Mets fan.  A lot of that probably had to do with the 86/87 success of those teams.  Plus L.T. ruled, as did Strawberry and Gooden... for that time period anyway.

    I never watched college football till I moved to FL and became an FSU fan, who was actually the annual underdog to Miami at the time(late 80s).  After spending so much time loving these teams and hating their rivals, I can't see any good reason to change teams because mine's not doing so well.  Gotta keep the faith and then when good things happen it'll be amazing.  Like this past year's SuperBowl.

  2. my favorite team...the jets!

    i basically started liking them in 2001 and i dont really know how i liked them i think it was just watching them on tv and i just fell in love with them and im a die hard fan

    picking a favorite team isnt really shouldnt pick lol you should just watch as many games with as many different teams as you can and just see which one you like the best...whether it be by the colors of the teams jerseys, the fans in your area, or etc.

    one thing ill tell you is that i hate people that become fans of a team just because they did good for one year..for ex the giants lol i live in the ny/nj area and I KNOW for a fact that a lotta the people i know were never giant fans let alone football fans but all of a sudden decided to become giant fans..those same people will probably become jets fans if they make it to the superbowl...

    watch games of different teams..see which you like the best!

  3. Its not always location sometimes its tradition my team is USC my family goes their i was born in SoCal but i have relatives who live in the deep south who r SC fans its just a family thing but you ain't a real fan till its inked on your skin  

  4. most people do it by geographic location as did I...  Too bad for me cuz my team sucks (bears)

  5. Your Local one... or stats  

  6. you have your real fans and your band waggon fans

    real fans usually just choose a team to follow based on where they live or a player they like and band waggon fans are fans who like a team bcus there good such as cowboys fans chargers fans colts fans and some pats fans

  7. well my favorite team(Cowboys) was the first team i was on in JFL(junior football league) plus my dad was a Huge cowboy fan.

  8. I base mine on where ever I'm living and then I usually keep it no matter what because I get really attached with the team. Here are my favorites:: UNC Tar Heels and Miami Hurricanes

    You should definitely pick one if those. haha

  9. Uhhhh....maybe by a player you like or location

  10. Is usually the city where you was born or living, but some people just go with the stats and records which they dont even know nothing about the team's history

  11. Personally, I'm a 9ers and Irish fan.

    I was a little Irish kid from CT. I saw the Fightin Irish and it was done. Irish fan for around 20 years.

    I had watched a couple 9ers games when I was 8 or 9. They had a skinny little QB from Notre Dame named Joe Montana. I started to read some things about how hard Jerry Rice worked and all the extra time he put in. I was hooked.

    The only other team I care about is UCONN. I live and coach football in CT and have a couple guys who play there.

  12. Most people I know base it off of the closest geographical team.  If you really don't have any team that lives near you.  

    Just watch some games and maybe watch some of the post game interviews.  Pick a team you like to watch and whose players don't annoy you in interviews.  

    **Note:  These are not good reasons to pick a team, but if you must, and you don't have a team near you geographically, that's what I'd do (I guess).

  13. usually yourt local one or another team if you like a player on that team or something like that

    ive been patient enough to see 3 different rings CELTICS RED SOX PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  14. Like the first guy said, Most people pick their home team, I on the other hand love my home team's rival.

    That's basically the only reason I like the Cowboys. because my dad likes the redskins and it's always a war in my house :]

  15. well it depends what city you live in I live in San Diego and i love the chargers but if you live in a town with a not so good team find a team you like and stick with them  

  16. I became a fan of the Cowboys due to the tradition of the team many years ago.

    It has been tough at times-when they do well, I am labeled a frontrunner. And then there was the period in the late '90's when Michael Irvin was arrested for drug possesion, which hurt the image of the whole franchise.

    Non-Cowboys fans hate the fact the team has the 'America's Team" label; but that comes with being the most loved and hated team in the league.

  17. Well, I live in San Francisco and have my entire life... except that I was adopted from Texas.  I was born in Austin.  So basically I am a fan of the Houston Texans when I started getting into football.  Since I feel like I have a mysterious connection to my home state.

    It helps me maintain my connection to my roots.

    But that is just me.  Mainly people base their favorite team on where they live--locality.

  18. I always pick the home team weather they are good or not. In this case they are good. go Seahawks. If you dont have a team in your area or State i would pick the team closest to you. For instance if you lived in Vermont then i would pick either the New York Giants or the New York Jets because New York is close to Vermont. If you live in another country i would just pick one. Personally ive always like underdogs(teams that arnt favored to win). But like i said i live in Washington so go Seahawks!  

  19. from where i was born. (miami)

    or i could base it by my favorite player

  20. Just picking the best team or gong on stats would make you a crappy fan and band wagon. Most people go on location or tradition, Im a Cowboys fan because my dad is a Cowboys fan and so was his dad and so on. Its pretty much in most peoples blood.

  21. Um, location...

  22. I live in NY and was always a Jets fan which is weird b/c my dad is a Giants fan.

  23. well i live in buffalo and im a huge Steeler fan but my dad has been a steeler fan since forever so its just the family team i guess but most peep pik their team from where they live or the bandwagon jumpers who just pik the team thats doing gud. Jus pik the

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