
How do you beat Insomnia?

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Without drugs...I have such trouble sleeping & need help!! Any suggestions??




  1. The reason you are still up is that your mind in not clear.  You need to clear your mind of all the days problems.  Get some where you can relax, think of the blue sky or a lake of water, drink a cup of Camile tea and just relax.  Read a real boring book.  That will definitely put you to sleep.  Before you drink the tea, take a nice warm shower/bath with some lavender scent soap.  Johnson & Johnson has some in their baby section that is really good.  

  2. Without drugs, I couldn't say.  I have had insomnia most of my life, have a terrible time getting to sleep then I wake up around 3:00 and my mind starts racing so I can't get back to sleep.  There are over-the-counter sleep aids but most of them contain cough medicine and make me feel too drugged and sleepy.  There are prescription medications though that are not habit forming.  Ask your doctor about Lunesta.

  3. green tea maybe or stay up all night and go to bed at 4, wake up at 6, play lots of sports and force ur self to stay up one more night, u should zonk out by that night"

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