
How do you beat a spinner (slicer) in tennis?

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This guys hits it one inch over the net at about 90mph and of course it bearly comes up. I topsin it back to him as best i can... but he pounds another one back.




  1. maybe try lobbing it... he probably wont be able to hit a great slice off a lob.. just make sure it's deep

  2. This is your average slicer, to beat them you will need to is hit them back with a semi-smash and driving it to the center of the court,

    If you do this he will not be able to get an accurate slice there, if he does return it it will be still bad hit and will give you an opportunity. This is when you hit it and drive the ball into your designated area of the court.

    Watch out for slices as they can differ in speed and in movement.

    Good Luck!


  3. If slicing it back to him does not work, figure out whether his backhand or forehand is more effective and then lob deep to his least effective side.  Come in to the service line (if he's in trouble) and try to smash a winner!

    Good luck, sometimes heavy spinners have bad days...  watch for them.

  4. try to keep it in play and also try to keep it deep to the backhand and hit it low

  5. Use lots of topspin and take their balls out quick and on the rise. Don't give them a chance to react to yours. Force those errors. But if you hit a lot of topspin causing a high bounce they will be frustrated.

  6. If you know it isn't coming that far over the net, and you've got good hands at net, run in and volley as often as possible. Even if you don't get as many back at first, you break up his rhythm. It sounds like he's pretty comfy with it because he anticipates that you will handle it the same way each time. Switch things up and don't allow him to get into a rhythm.

  7. If it's a true slice, it will hang in the air a little longer than a normal shot.  Try to pick them off before they bounce, since they're only effective slices once they hit the ground and get funky.

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