
How do you beat anorexia?

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i've been batteling this for a long time. i'm 13, 5'3 and 85 lbs i've already gained a bunch of weight, but i still feel extremely scared at the thought of eating or gaining weight. hospitals, anorexic homes and all that other stuff haven't helped me at all. i need real advice, from someone who has acually done it. please, i dont want to continue living this way. i need advice!!




  1. I'm not sure how I did, I just started eating and maintained a healthier weight until I was about 25 (now I'm a bit chubby, yay desk job). What I can tell you is that you really need to have a healthy body to maintain a decent shape long-term, bad eating/exercise habits really s***w with your metabolism and developing better habits later in life is way harder (like me). Also, because of my anorexia, there are certain medications I can't take, I'm at a higher risk of osteoporosis, I stunted my own growth, etc. (My bro is 6'7" and I'm 5'5"?) You only get one body, you need to take care of it! What's the point of being scary thin if you're going to die younger because of it? It is so important that you take good care of your body. If your body is healthy you will honestly feel better, starvation makes your brain think funny things and you're tired and weak and depressed. When I see images of how skinny I was, it's just gross. I'd rather be a little overweight than be like that again. A good book to help you learn about your body and how to eat for health is called 'You on a diet'. I really hope you beat this, you are too young to be worried about what you look like. You're still growing, you don't even know how you will turn out yet so it's SO important you give your body what it needs to turn out the way its meant to.

  2. First off, congratulations for beginning recovery.  I think that deep in your heart you realize that you need to get better and you want to get better, but the anorexia voices in your head are stopping you.  At least that's how i feel.  I am also struggling to recover, and i need to gain weight or i will be put into inpatient.  The thought of gaining weight scares me, but i know i need to do it.  So just know that you are not alone.  

    I think the most important thing to do is to sit down and think.  What made you have an eating disorder in the first place?  What are the pros of my eating disorder? Cons?  Think about if you really want to live the rest of your life this way.  Think about all the things you are missing out on because of your eating disorder.  Do you really want to continue to live your life this way?

    As for the weight gain, I know that it is really scary.  Rationally, i think that you KNOW you need to gain weight for your health's sake, but you have fears that are preventing you from doing it.  Just like any other fear, it can be overcome.  It's not going to be easy, and it's a slow process, but if you stay strong, it can be overcome.  Think about how much better and happier you will feel if you gain a little weight.  I know it's hard to imagine now, but once you are getting proper nutrition, you will feel 100% better.  You will have so much more energy and be able to do so many more fun things.

    Start out slowly.  Add a little something to your  diet each day.  Make healthy, nutritious food choices.  My doctor also recommended Ensure or Boost Plus drinks for healhty weight gain.  Sometimes it's easier to drink calories than actually eat them.  You will need a coach to support you, someone to sit down with you at meals and encourage you.  This could be a parent, grandparent, older sibling... anybody.  It might also be helpful to have a therapist and nutritionist.  They are professionals and can help you out.  

    Don't get frustrated, and never give up.  You may have some downfalls, and feel like you can't go on at times, but just keep pushing forward.  I know you can do it!  Stay strong girl and best of luck!  Keep us updated, ok?

  3. I would start by seeing a specialist. Someone who can help you to understand the illness and someone you can team up with. Good luck! :)

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