
How do you beat someone at tennis when you know he's pretty good and hits baseline shots?

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(Assuming you can't drop the ball just over the

net and that you're playing with a heavy Wilson racket.)




  1. Look here for help:

    Winning Strategy:

    Keep your shots deep. If you give a power hitter a short ball, you'll have less time to react to his shot, and he'll be able to create sharper angles.

    Try to keep the ball out of his "wheelhouse," the height at which he can most comfortably hit the ball. Either slice the ball so that it skids quite low or use a fairly high topspin that kicks up above his shoulders.

    Make him hit a lot of balls. Keep running his shots down, because a hard hitter doesn't have much margin for error, and he'll eventually miss one.

    Pull him up to net with good drop shots or low, skidding slices. This is a risky play, because if your short ball sits up at all, he'll put it away. If you hit a good short ball though, you'll force him to try to play the net, and a lot of power baseliners don't volley well.

    Mix up the speeds and spins on your shots. A power hitter needs good timing, and the more variety you throw at him, the more difficult his timing will be.

    See what happens if you attack at net. A lot of baseliners aren't used to hitting passing shots and make errors such as hitting the net by aiming too low.

  2. I make much topspin for the baseliner power hitter. Is not for their liking.

  3. if you know that the shots are going to be at the baseline then you better be at the base line. Try figuring out his weakest shots and then hit them  

    you might want to try a new raquet i think the one you have might be to heavy if your complaining about it

  4. Try to get them to do a lot of running around and getting them into awkward position. Work out which is their weaker side - forehand or backhand, and mainly hit to the side which is weaker.

    If you are good enough to come in to net it would be a good idea to volley some because your opoonent will have a shorter amount of time to think about where to hit it.

    It's best to get them up to net though.. most baseline players aren't as good at net. Hit short balls to do this and then you can try hitting a passing shot so he can't get it back =]

    Also if you are a really good server it will work to your advantage..

    I'm not sure how experienced you are, I don't play at a high level at all, but watching other people's games I know what they should do lol =]

  5. I suggest that you vary the spin on your balls, and change the depth at which you hit it. Doing so will stop the opponent from getting into a regular tempo, giving you the upper hand. An important key to facing a heavy baseliner is messing up their rhythm.

    Another key thing is to play consistent. Since the opponent is a good baseline player, you dont want to play into their scheme. Baseline players want to finish it fast and hit some sort of winning shot. However, if you consistently hit the ball back at them, it becomes a game where the baseline player is versing themselves. psychologically, they have to worry about hitting it consistently in, which plays to your advantage.  

    So vary the spin, depth of ball, placement of ball, and play consistently. Doing so, it is bound to happen that the opponent will hit a short ball. Thats when you attack. Run up at net to finish it quick, or hit a winner. Its pretty important to finish it in one shot, considering you have a heavy racquet, and the opponent is a comfortable base liner.

    Hope that helps! Good luck!

    PS: Tennis is mental. Get the other person mad at them self or distracted, and you are sure to win. Dont let the other person know or see your distress. That only feeds their will to win.

  6. Hey there,

    So your first mistake is your attitude!  

    The fact that you know he is good should have no effect in the outcome of the match.  This question sounds like your out of the match already before even playing him.  

    I am not sure exactly what you mean by "baseline shots"  but Im assuming that means he is good from behind the baseline.  The best way to handle this is to take him out of his comfort zone.  Actually you said it your self in a sense.  You dont want to "drop the ball just over the net" but you want to bring him in.  Draw him towards the net with  short balls and take it from there.  If he is uncomfortable at the net and you play him there, you shouldnt have too much trouble.  (this tactic may be used once or twice per game).  Dont do it on every shot or he will catch on.  

    I would also like you to check out this specific article from my site.  Its Titled "how to beat the player that always beats you"

    Hopefully some of this will be helpful...and good luck too!

    Steve Viglione

    USPTA Pro


  7. you need to mix up your pace of shot... deep shots, midcourt shots

    you should also try and hit the all earlier, and do more net approaches

    be more aggressive

  8. You beat them by calling any ball that lands close to the baseline out.   If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough.

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