
How do you beat the n's pizza quest '77?

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How do you beat the n's pizza quest '77?




  1. is it supposed to take forever for the stupid iguna to be calm?

  2. does it take forever to get the lizard to calm down?

    its ridiculous.

  3. Level 1

    1) The Couch, Record, Snail Bank, And Jeans in the washer all have money.

    Cut Scene.....

    Level 2

    1) Click on the carpet in the tv scene. The k**b is under there.

    2) Put the k**b on the tv (duh!)

    3) Get the snail bank

    4) Switch out the slinky holding up the couch for the snail

    5) Put the slinky on the tv

    6) Turn off the water to the washer and take the hose.

    7) Hang the hose on the moose antlers and click the slinky.

    8 ) Plug in the tv and turn it on.


    Level 3

    1) Unplug the lava lamp

    2) Get the record and put it on the record player.

    3) Take the record player to the couch scene and plug it in.

    4) Get the robot toy and se it on the record player.

    5) Make sure the record is on the green side before playing it.

    6) Get the lava lamp and plug it in by Moff.

    7) Wait for the lamp to heat up.

    8 ) Moff's eyes will turn to spirals when he's calm. Click on him to get the coupon.

    Level 4

    1) Go to the washer and get the pants

    2) Put them in the dryer and click it three times to push it over.

    3) PLug in the dryer and click it again.

    4) Get the pants from the dryer and put them in the microwave.

    5) Click on the record player to calm Moff. Get him and put him in the fragile box.

    6) Open the window. Get the h**l cat and put him in Moff's Cage.

    7) Get the root beer from the fridge and pour it over the fire.

    8 ) Take the bottle to the faucet where the hose was and refill the bottle. Pour it over the fire.

    9) Click on the cat and follow it.

    10) Click the black light in the fragile box and put it in the back magic

    11) Get the fuse from the plant and put it in the fuse box.

    12) Turn off the light and click on the purple glowing thing in the corner.

    and your done!

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