
How do you beat the summer heat?

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During the summer, do you run in the morning or at night, or is your running schedule unaffected by the heat?

Also, how much water do you drink per day?




  1. lol I'm not a huge fan of hot humid weather!!!...YUK!!!!...I drink about 6 bottles of water a day, as far as trying to beat summer heat I'd rather work during the day when it's nasty outside, i wear one of those small fans around my neck for a cool off! and my favorite, I get a small or med size water bottle put cold water in it then i add 6 drops of peppermint extract,and use it as a cooling mist, great aromatherapy !!!!!!!!!!!! You should try it!! Also try to find some indoor activities.

  2. sunscreen and a good cooler, nice cool place to fall back on and rest ya know?

  3. i just run in the late afternoon and run through the heat because its good to get used to it because a lot of high school xc and track races i have encountered have very high temperatures

    i dont know exactly how much water i drink per day but i do drink a lot

  4. I run later in the evening or early morning. Also, drink lots of water. Follow this rule: If you weigh 120 pounds, then you should drink 12 ounces of water every hour.

  5. run in the morning or late at night. I drink alottttt. 2-3 naglenes a day. It sucks to run a work out when you are dehydrated.

  6. I don't run. But there is a personal air conditioning unit that you wear around your neck, it's like a ring around your neck maybe and inch in circumference. That may help. Or else, run early in the morning before the sun totally rises.

  7. Run in either the morning or at night. Which ever you prefer. I would run at about 8:30-ish because I like mornings better and don't really like running in the dark. Also it's a nice feeling going through your day with your running already out of the way. Running at a time to avoid heat is just to make your run more comfortable, which could lead to you running more, which could lead to better results. You should drink about 62 ounces of water a day (or 8 8 ounce cups of water). If you feel you need to increase that because of your running, and 64 ounces isn't enough, just drink enough water for you to feel comfortable and hydrated.

  8. I drink a lot of water, during summer,and i go for a stroll in the night

  9. i get up bright and early (6 am) and jog for an hour

  10. run int the mornings and at night, when it's cooler. i disagree, with the running in the heat to get used to it. mainly because all you can log in a hot day is 8 miles for the top runners. there is great risk of dehydration and fainting. and of course, the sun is bad for your skin, even if you take precautions by wearing sunscreen and a hat. why go through all of that, when you can simply run in the cool shade and get a better workout.

    as for the water, it really depends on a lot of factors. rule of thumb: your pee should be clear, almost like water.

  11. i jog at night at around 9 when it's cooler

    avoid the period between 11am - 4pm

    i drink around 3 bottles of water a day

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