
How do you become a better dancer at school dances?

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im a pretty good dancer in my room haha but im not confident enough to show it on the dance




  1. motto i live by "dance like everyone is watching"

  2. I had the same prob. Here is what you can do.

    First of all you can show it to your friends. Friends who you are most comfortable in sharing things. I know it can be awkward and weird at first but show them your moves and have them critique you and feed off of that.

    Once your more comfortable try dancing at family parties (my family always dances at family parties...) and dances.  If you don't feel comfortable stay near close family/friends and dance with them. It will be awkward but pretend your in your room dancing and close your eyes.

    eventually you'll get more comfortable. I don't mean to scare you, but there will be a chance that people will criticize. Just ignore them and have fun with it. This way you will have fun dancing.

    Good Luck!!

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