
How do you become a day person?

by  |  earlier

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no matter how hard i try, no matter how much sleep i get at night, i can not stay energized and awake throughout the day. on the other hand, when i sleep some in the day, i am WIDE awake and completely focused and motivated on my studying/work at night. obviously, one can see how this can be a problem. do i just chalk it up to biologically being a night owl or is there anything i can do to be energized in the day? i exercise regularly already.




  1. This seems like a difficult question. Perhaps you need to reset your biological clock. Maybe you could try really tiring yourself out in the day, like running a few miles or something, and then sleeping as soon as it gets dark. Repeat this until you get into a natural cycle.

    Or, it might have to do with your diet. Do you eat before you are supposed to go to sleep? That doesn't help. Also, something might be wrong with the actual foods you eat. You could try taking Emergen-C's (they are Vitamin C boosters sold in drug and health stores that give you uber amounts of vitamins).  

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