
How do you become a good shooting guard?

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I'm 14 years old and i have been playing basketball for like one year and im not that bad. I dont know if its too much to be trying for but i want to be a SG and can anyone tell me what i should practice on most? What shooting drills .. And that kinda stuff.. (Just turned 14 )




  1. just work hard at whatever you do always give 100

    uhm a shooting drill you kan do is plus 1 minus 2

    - what you do is go fom elbow to elbow of the freethrow line and every time you make 1 its plus 1 every time u miss its minus 2 and you go to 10, if you get to negetive 10 you lose.

    -another shooting dril is you kan shoot untill you make 10 from each of the 5 spots of the 3, both corners elbows and up top, you can also do that on every spot on the floor

    -another thing you should do if your interested in playing organized ball you should get your run on lol always move never stand still on offence unless your coach tells you to

    -and another thing you should do is always talk on d, kall out screens and let your team kno whats goin on, be a leader

    hope that helps ya some

  2. The shooting guard has to be able to play excellent defense and create shots for himself in the halfcourt offense. He needs to be a weapon from long range as well. This is true because the better a shooting guard can shoot from behind the three point line, the more it forces defenses to step farther out on the court to guard him. This in turn allows the lane to be open to both penetration, and for the post players

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