
How do you become a mermaid?????

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How do you become a mermaid when the full moon comes??




  1. Guest32941
    i did try lots spells because  other spells didn't work

  2. do you really want to I am one so if you want to I will tell you but there are different ways .but there are things you need to give up like:fishing and sometimes even a you still want to?

    if you do you can still touch water you can become one whenever you want.

    here we go what skin type r u?

    if you have rough skin then put ur foot in the water and say water of earth let me be cursed ten times.

    if you have sensitive skin then stand outside on a rainy day and do the same .

    if you have soft skin make up ur own spell and chant it inside on a stormy night

  3. <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>

  4. <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>
    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>
    </a><br><br><br><br><a href="" title=" make a <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>
    wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>

    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br><a href="" title=" make a wish " name=" make a wish "><img src="" alt=" make a wish " title=" make a wish "/><br /> make a wish </a><br><br>
    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>
    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>
    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br><br><br>make a wish:<br><br>
    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>

    <br><br>make a wish:<br><br>

  5. I know a spell
    Magic spirits of the deep,
    i would like a tail not to feet,
    beuty be upon me fish of all kind, let me sea when i am done in the sea that my feet return to me.
    it worked for me.

  6. there  are so many spells tht dont work people we will decide on wich 1 is right erm... there is a spell book but it is $800 i am american is any 1 else on here???
    :) :( :~)

  7. hej vart ligger mako ön?

  8. hej hur blir jag en sjöjungfru?

  9. hello, me and my twin have been mermaids for 4 years now... all of the spells above are wrong... it is not simple... it is hard work. it takes time and dedication to become a mermaid.
    however, I will write what we did in 5 simple steps.
    1. shave off your hair, once a month. (on a Wednesday at 11:59, just before midnight - this allows the mermaid hair to start to take it's place).
    2. be sure to only eat pink food (if food is not pink, use pink food colouring), this changes the hormones in the body to produce pink feminine mermaid hormones due to the changes in the gut.
    3. do not wear leather shoes as these can interfere with the scales that shall shortly start to grow onto your legs, in order to form your tail. if you wear blue cotton shoes you will gain a blue tail, etc.
    4. take a cold bath every Monday and Saturday, learn to sing sweet melodies underneath the water.
    5. no sexual intercourse for a year. this will prevent the legs from forming together




  12. my friend is a mermaid but im not she did this spell i dont remember it ok!!!!!!! if any one knows one plz send me one on plz plz plz plz plz i really want to be a mermaids

  13. im ten years old and i belive in mermaids dont crush other peoples dreams because your just going to make a fool of yourself

  14. to all you selfish people who dont beleave in mermaids y do you go on to this website eneyway mermaids are  real i mean this all the people who beleave in mermaids theyr right in fact i have a spell for all u belevers
    to all the mermaids i want you
    to hear my call and please be
    true i wish to be 1 of u
    u r so real u r so cool but all
    i want is to be 1 of u and wen im
    dry i have legs the tail come in 10
    seconds after being wet.

    once you have  said that you should be a mermaid the next day and say this on a full moon and if this works for u please email me at plz plz plz ok i hope i give u a fabulous answer

  15. Hi guys i really want to be a mermaid with magic powers i tried evreeything if one of u are mermaids please tell me wot u did email me at
    Ppl trying to be 1 gud luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. il est difficile de devenir une sirene sois que tu est née comme sa ou sois que tas besoin de 1 ou 3 sirene pendant la pleine lune tu va dans l eau la sirene untulise sais pouvoir et le lendamain tu devien une sirene

  17. hay i have a spell for you but you have to do this fill your bathtub with hot or cold or warm salt water then say powers of the seven seas make me what i wish to be beneth the sea free as a mermaid or merman if you put hot water then you will have the power to boil water if you put cold water you will have the power to freeze water the only way to break the spell is do this put your hand in salt water and say no longer fins with me i wolud like to be by sea no longer mermaid or merman in me. ok you will get your powers on your birthday you will get your powers after your birthday p.s. im a merman i was born as a merman. im 8 yours old.

  18. I want to b a mermaid plz sum1 tell me wot to do ill do anything exept drink saulty warter or harm myself.

  19. Ahhh..... I don't know.  Good luck with that!

  20. how do you  become a mermaid

  21. go to mako island under a full moon

  22. on night you haft to be in paddiling pool, say "wichis one and wichis all make my wish come true i want to be a mermaid with a sparkaly pink tail and a glitering ice power"repeat 10 times and youl become one. i did it once and a bully was inside his house i froze the doornob.


  24. thanx guest15547721 it really worked i did it 10 minutes ago it only took 5 mins to actually transform me

  25. u can't. it's probably just a fluke

  26. i am a mermaid now this really works what you do is you just look at the moon any moon in the sky any night and you have to believe and you have to be wearing  a necklace and a little part of your body has to be in water doesnt matter if you have one finger tip and you just think and say
    mermaid mermaid thats what i wanna be rain cannot change me i want the colour of ... and the power of...
    mermaid mermaid thats what i wanna be

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  28. well i tried this and i am a mermaid now it really works this is what you do...

    you have to be in the bath and you have to have a NECKLACE ON and you have to really believe it has to be dim you have to say...
    make me a mermaid i believe with all my heart rain cannot change me after i get wet 20 seconds after i change to a mermaid.]
    i dont find the sea salty and i can see cleary i want a power i dont care witch one
    repeat 4 times i hope it works for youuu

  29. I need help!!! i know i am a great swimmer and i know i swim greater then before but my legs have stuck together and i think that i am a mermaid! I don't know if it's real but i don't know!

  30. Well i am 8 years old and i love the  h2o girls but i realy want to become a mermaid

  31. tell me

  32. Heyy Umm I did a mermaid spell yesterday and a few hours ago my knees felt like they were going to fall out and my legs like have random stings of pain. Does that mean I am going to become a mermaid?

  33. try the inouciant iclemency spell it really works iv been a mermaid for like a year it

  34. you could go onto youtube and look up peole turning into mermaids live and you could also look up people using their powers too

  35. So, I've been trying to become a mermaid for about a year now and all the spells I've used just aren't working, so I made up my own spell and I'm now a mermaid with a shiny blue tail.
    (Just believe in urself) (and magic)

  36. Hi i am a girl and i am 10 years old i am a mermaid this is how it happend. I looked for spells and spells i tried them all but thay did not work so me and my 2 friends got the same one. we did it at the sametime and we finished at the sametime but it did not work. We did it on saterday the 12 of desember in 2009 it worked on my friends birthday party in her pool. Sunndly our legs stuck together we swam like mremaids. NO HUMANS CAN SEE OUR TAILS my tail color is aqua my friends tail is sparkly blue and my other frien is all the colors in the world. We all have powers i have frezzing water and moulding water into any shape my friends are frezzing water and moulding water into any shape my other friends are frezzing water and moulding water into any shape.

  37. i am 8 and i need help plz help me

  38. I just did the spell that guest2132 posted. I am so exited to be a mermaid. But, when you cry or sweat will you become one? plz answer.

  39. u become a mermaid when u fist c one i have seen one so i am a mermaid i hope i ansered ur quiston good enough

  40. ancient gods of the seas please hear my wish will be simple i would like to become mermaid/merman but only when i will be wet.(say the time after bein wet) later my legs will fuse together to become my tail. ô gods i would love my tail to be (colour) long and flexible om my tail i would lie to have (colour) scales i want to have the ability to hold my breathe as long as i want .i would love to have the three main power: molding anything containing water by doin cleo handsign, freeze water by doin emma handsign,boiling an heating water by doing rikki handsign and i would love to obtain the power to turn water into jelly.all these powers will be useful for me when my tail will be dry my legs and feets will return to me. i will be able to use my powers in human and merman for .this wish will be eternal. ô ancient gods of the sea please grant my wish i will have my tail my power in three days

    tell me if it works

  41. you have to make up a spell from you it can be a poem or a spell it can be a made up words eneything you like.And I am a girl and I am 10 years old.

  42. im a mermaid i got a red tail and the power to boil water its easy just make up ur own spell and were a LOCKET! with a picture of a mermaid it can be off  google images (a really nice one) and its will take 2 to 3 days and power just 2 trust me it will work if it dont them maybe im the only one !!
    i hope not just be careful and dont let ANYONE see u only tell ur mom and best friends and go into ANY water un less in the bath BY URSELF !!!!

  43. you can become a mermaid i am now i got a pink tale
    yes you do

  44. i used this spell it should work it is

    a human when dry a mermaid when wet and have the power like ( one of the mermaids off of h20) and the tail couler of ( whatever couler u want )

    a human when dry a mermaid when wet gills are not needed a big breath lasts 30 minutes

    a human when dry a mermaid when wet i'll get my powers and tail in (however long u want to wait) i'll get my tail in 1 minute here is my wish

    a human when dry a mermaid when wet the rain does not matter it can not change me but a single drop of a other water will.

    yo have to say this in a bath full of salt water.

  45. um you don't become a mermaid

  46. I have just done the insoucent inclemency spell and i havent had any side affects soo far do you always have side affects or do just some people have it and i have done the insoucent inclemency one and i beleive it works is there anything else i can do like drink salt water or do i just wait?????

  47. you knowI tryed lots of spells but they don't work

  48. well i just did that spell in the bath woth some thing on my upper body and it didnt work ?

  49. i dotn get the symbol bit do u just have to wear a necklace and it works?

  50. I tried the insouciant inclemency spell and I really workes thye symptoms are really getting me I feel wierd my legs feel heavy I'm having mermaid dreams and dont critisize anyone else who is like us it is rude.

  51. dont wast ur times lookin 4 spells go on type in ur wish visit ur wish page 8 days in a row and ur wish will c*m true belive me

  52. im really sore when will i turn into a mermaid

  53. wellI am going to try on aguast  6 the next full moon if it workds I will tell you

  54. go under a full mon and make your own spell in water

  55. haw many days does it take to be a mermaid

  56. OK........ so what I did really worked I'm not lying. There are 2 simple steps.Here's how I did it:
    Things Needed:

    step 1. Make up a spell, give it details, things that explain yourself. (example: I believe in mermaids magic and everything. God... please make my wish come true... to become A mermaid give me this power: dont use this spell.... make one up. it has to be COMPLETELY from scratch. you have to belive with all your heart)

    step 2. After you make up a spell, recite it. you have to be somewhere where no one can hear you. After you recite your spell, drink the salt water. drink it for 2 seconds.

    I have done this and now I have a sparkly purple tail.

  57. I used a spell and have been a mermaid for 5 years and counting!

    **Stand at the end of a dock. The water under the dock should be at least a few feet deep. (If you cannot find a dock, stand in the water itself. A pool won't work.)
    **Twist a worm around your finger. Use the ring finger of your left hand. This symbolizes your marriage to the sea.
    **Chant the following:
    Nas augas Cómo chegar
    Para atopar un peixe sagrado.
    Poseidon satisfacer os poderes da miña membros.
    E deixe-me moito tempo a tornar-se o que quero ser.
    Dulaman pescar, nadar coas miñas mans
    Permitan-me aproveitar os poderes do mar.
    Benvida a min, o sagrado peixes,
    E tornar-me o mar.
    ** Continue chanting this until you catch a fish with your bare hands. You will turn on the next full moon.

  58. I used a spell and have been a mermaid for 5 years and counting!

    **Stand at the end of a dock. The water under the dock should be at least a few feet deep. (If you cannot find a dock, stand in the water itself. A pool won't work.)
    **Twist a worm around your finger. Use the ring finger of your left hand. This symbolizes your marriage to the sea.
    **Chant the following:
    Nas augas Cómo chegar
    Para atopar un peixe sagrado.
    Poseidon satisfacer os poderes da miña membros.
    E deixe-me moito tempo a tornar-se o que quero ser.
    Dulaman pescar, nadar coas miñas mans
    Permitan-me aproveitar os poderes do mar.
    Benvida a min, o sagrado peixes,
    E tornar-me o mar.
    ** Continue chanting this until you catch a fish with your bare hands. You will turn on the next full moon.

  59. ...Mermaids ARENT shapeshifters because they arent real and you cannot turn into one, honestly how dumb are you people?

    This question should totally be on failblog!!! Haha because you guys fail ^_^

  60. Hey contact me at if you need help making a spell

  61. How to become a mermaid the key is to believe you mostly need salt water that's the main thing you need to have where ever you go like the ocean.You need to know in your heart they exist STOP looking for spells if you do and they don't work two reasons to many people have used them or its not for you the truth is you should be in your pool or ocean not bath that is for cleaning your self so make your own make it personal.Its fun to be a mermaid but you can't tell anyone oh and these are all of the stuff that I think will work so this is wat I made up that i m going to typ you should onely tell one persone 1 that's it he or she has to be really close to you.And when you have to make a point like look at the moon and close your eyes listen to a sea shell anything if you need help fill free to contact me at

  62. i am 8 and i want to be a mermaid BAD plz plz plz pzl help me plz i tried your spell and if it works awsome but wat if someone eats me AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BUT i can escape with my power can u not be one no more??? if yes tell me so like if some thing bad happens i can like well nvm but is there?? answer plz and join

  63. if you keep searching there coild be one that works for you

  64. im 11 years old and i thank you gest 7262 why dont we chat to knight?

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