
How do you become a ninja!?

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How do you become a ninja!?




  1. NINJUTSU! which literally means art of the ninja so to become one train in it.

  2. have a good imagination.

  3. in the old days ninjas are the trained assassins. Originated  in china and later grew really big in japan.

    Modern day ninjas are the SAS, Special force, Snipers. Or similar to Mr and Mrs Smith, the movie.

    In the art of killing, a gun or rifle can do a better job. Technological advance in the art of Assassin.

    So you have to  ask yourself what is the real purpose of you wanting to be a ninja. Ninja relied on stealth. In a fair fight, they were not the best warriors in both weapons or hand to hand combat. they have a specific job to do, so, they train to complete the tasks with greatest efficiency with minimal risks. Which means totally unfair and dirty tactics.

  4. by watching a lot of cartoons!

  5. Actually Spy G there is an answer that is quite serious and to the point about this question.  First off You''ll need to begin to research any and all serious and historical facts about ninjitsu and what the "Japanese" considered to be a ninja.  Secondly if you're looking for the kinds of things these "samurai" were practicing, because they were "samurai" by the way, Look into traditional Japanese arts such as Iaido ( Katana Swordsmanship ) and Jujitsu ( samurai hand-to-hand combat ).  The entire art of "ninjitsu" in a literal sense in modern day times would teach Iaido and jujitsu as it's two primary art forms if "ninjitsu was considered a serious art form that is.  Then there's "tanto-jutsu" to consider as well.  I've looked into tanto-jutsu and I can't seem to find a true art form for it.   I would think that some one out there must have a decent "traditional tanto-jutsu" system, but I've searched high and low and notta.  There are many tanto-jutsu systems out there that claim to be the real deal, but when keeping in mind that the samurai wore armor, I highly doubt that these tanto-jutsu systems have any real validity.  As far as nun-chucks go those are a fairly modern invention put together by some Chinese farmer in the early 1900's and there wan't one samurai who ever touched a pair of chucks in his life time.  As far as "throwing stars" go those are another Chinese weapon that the Japanese never touched man.  

    There's a big difference between hollywood and the real world bro.  I suppose if a man who knew the 8 basic cuts of Iaido as well as his jujitsu and came up with a very sound tanto-jutsu system believable enough to work scientifically and soundly then maybe the idea of "ninjitsu" wouldn't sound so much like fiction to every day people.  There would have to be other areas looked into as well such a "Kyudo" ( Japanese Archery ) as well as a sound and scientific system for the "naginata" ( long bladed Japanese sword/spear like weapon ).  

    It's fun to think that we could have masked men running around setting wrongs right and good guys out there destroying evil, but unfortunately life on this earth doesn't work that way.  

    I could however see "ninjitsu" work from many scientific aspects and arts combined into a single art form without the "ninja" uniform.  I could see the Kendo jacket and Hakama being worn by the practitioners of such an art form and I could even see the "Old Japanese Traditions" held to without interference from modern day in put, but that would seem to me to be more a religion than anything.  Not that it wouldn't make a very interesting religion that's for sure, but "ninjitsu" as we see on T.V. is fake as fake can be.  What's so cool about hired killers with their faces covered?  that sounds pretty "cowardly" to me.

    Stick to what works scientifically.  Who knows maybe one day you may even come up with your own system far better than "ninjitsu" ever thought of being.  Good Luck in your search!! I wish the bad guys had some one to keep them all in check too bro.

  6. You would have to use a time machine. Go back in time during the time of feudal Japan. Start training with the Samurai. Get kicked out for not following to Bushido Code of Honor. Not having a way to support yourself financially accept a job that you have to have a lack of morals. Attack people while hiding because you don't have enough skills to beat a Samurai. Since you had the same training you can beat the average Joe. But since you didn't complete the training you have to live your life in hiding on the run. Eventually die at the hands of the Samuria because you can only hide for so long.

    Bushido - Way of the Warrior

  7. go to search how to be a ninja, and it is a FUNNY video!! ItS HILARIOUS!!! U HAVE TO WATCH IT!! LMAO

  8. you just ask how to be a hired killer--so if you have to ask then you probably won't like the answer.

    study taekwondo or MMA or Karate or Judo--then ask that question after you've trained for a few years.

  9. by competing in and winning Ninja Warrior.

  10. Sorry, you must be born a Ninja, kill one in bloody battle, or sneak up on one take all of his weapons then give him a wedgie.

    The third one is my personal favorite, since the first doesn't apply to me, and the second requires killing them.

  11. 1. Relax and reflect inward (meditate). Decide upon a series of ideas, morals and philosophies that you truly can live by. If your philosophy is limited or overly sensitive, being a ninja might not be right with you, ninja often lied, stole, killed and did many other immoral acts.

       2. Research the ninja's role throughout history; this will help you decide if you consider if Ninjutsu is the right art for you. Refer to Masaaki Hatsumi's books. There are 18 different disciplines (note that samurai and shinobi (ninja) use the same techniques sometimes):

              * Seishin-teki kyōyō (spiritual refinement)

              * Taijutsu (unarmed combat, using one's body as the only weapon)

              * Kenjutsu (sword fighting)

              * Bōjutsu (stick and staff fighting)

              * Shurikenjutsu (throwing blades)

              * Sōjutsu (spear fighting)

              * Naginatajutsu (naginata fighting)

              * Sui-ren (water training)

              * Bōryaku (tactic)

              * Chōhō (espionage)

              * Intonjutsu (escaping and concealment)

              * Tenmon (meteorology)

              * Kusarigamajutsu (chain and sickle weapon)

              * Kayakujutsu (pyrotechnics and explosives)

              * Hensōjutsu (disguise & impersonation)

              * Chi-mon (geography)

              * Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods)

       3. Mastering all of these can help you become a better shinobi (ninja). But remember that ninjutsu is the way to endure and be invisible, this usually means acting to achieve.

       4. Be honest to yourself. However, control over your emotions is important. Only act when it will aid in completing a goal, or setting the stage for a future operation.

       5. Learn to control people and manipulate events not by force, but by words and actions, so that you can obtain a goal without having to resort to any manner of violence. Use people's desires, needs and wants against them. Humans need security, wealth, pride, strength and to have their lust satisfied.

       6. Learn how to move stealthily. Become adept at social and physical invisibility and silence. Learn the appropriate clothes for the appropriate times, wearing all white in a snow storm might be a good idea unless you're in a large city full of people.

       7. Study Japanese martial arts, and learn all aspects of ninjutsu, (it's important to remember that ninjutsu isn't just a martial art but a skill set that is meant to provide the necessary skills to complete missions of espionage and assassination in a feudal setting).

       8. Learn to use martial arts weapons. These include, but are not limited to shurikens, katanas, knife, the steel fan, and the ninja-to. It's also important to learn to use modern weapons and concealed weapons, ninjutsu is about effectiveness and ninja do not limit themselves to older weapons when more effective ones exist.

       9. Get and maintain a ninja body by building endurance, agility, strength and flexibility. However do not go too far to the point were you look abnormally fit, your need to have a functional body that doesn't stick out.

      10. Do exercises to make sure you stay in shape, and to keep your skills sharp. Focus your training on stealth/infiltration, endurance, agility, martial skill, tradecraft (espionage skills), and various other skills that will make you seem like a normal person with a normal job (store clerk, real estate etc). Train to increase your skills, try going faster and more quietly every time.

      11. Study ninja were often very knowledgeable. With knowledge comes power and this can help you become more resourceful and also help you control someone easier.

  12. All a Ninja was was a spy or assassin

  13. go to the ninja registration office


  15. take a martial art called Kempo or Kenpo (sp?)

    i took it. it's called the modern day Ninja art


  16. Go to Ninja Camp!

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