
How do you become a student ambassador? my students........?

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How do you become a student ambassador? my students........?




  1. omg i am one and it is AWESOME but VERY expensive!!go to the web site and register-

  2. Well talk to your teacher or principale and they should give u the details

  3. tell all the students that we will be destroyed by terrorist if you are not elected. Its a proven strategy.

  4. i am one.

    ask a principal.

    its realy a great experience, i got to travel the world and it was awesome.

    if your interested, i've been to france, spain, italy, germany, czech republic, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia, and russia.

    all in two trips!

    my friend is also going to china as one this year (:

  5. you have to be elected to do that at my skool

  6. If you mean people to people you become one my being nominated on their website You can also nominate students there.

    THere program is a great experience, I'm going to England, France,Belgium, and the Netherlands this year.

  7. In order to be an ambassador with the People to People Student Ambassador Program, you need to be nominated by a teacher, counselor, or friend. You then need to go through an application and interview process before being selected. It's a great program for sure. I went to Australia with them a couple years ago and I'm thinking of going to Europe with them next summer.

    However, if you're a teacher and you would like to travel with your students, there are also tour companies for this kind of thing. They're alot cheaper than People to People. A teacher at my school is taking a group of students to Italy and Spain this summer with EF Tours. I've never traveled with this company before, but I've heard good things from people I know that have traveled with them before. Also, EF's tours are much cheaper. I'm going to Italy and Spain for 10 days and it's only cost around $3500, as opposed to People to People, which cost me almost $8500.

    So, it just depends what you're looking for. People to People is longer and alot more interactive, more inclusive, and probably more fun. But EF is cheaper. Hope this helps with what you're looking for! (:

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